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发表于 2010-11-30 18:07:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

高校关系组人力资源实习生(1人)(University Relationship Group)

•        Abundant student activity organization experience;
•        Can write both in Chinese and English fluently;
•        Good communication skill and solve problem skill;
•        Good attitude on daily work; cautious, passionate.
•        Human Resource related major will be preferred;
•        Long-term & full-time preferred (with your supervisor's approval)
•        申请这个职位的同学请将简历发送至v-zhiyan@microsoft.com

高校关系组俱乐部实习生(1)(University Relationship Group)
•             全国30个微软技术俱乐部的日常管理和运营
•             参与大型活动的策划
•             管理俱乐部邮箱系统,并不定期组织在线活动
•             俱乐部网络平台运营、newsletter

        能获得学校老师同意,在2010年12月至2011年8月在微软全职实习,大四保研或研二学生优先
        态度好,有一定工作热情和良好的沟通能力
        对微软技术俱乐部有深入的了解,在俱乐部担任过重要职务的同学优先
        有较好的文字组织能力和活动策划能力,有校园活动经验者优先

微软亚洲研究院是微软公司在美国本土之外最大的基础科研机构,被美国著名技术杂志MIT  《Technology Review》誉为“世界上最火的计算机实验室”。自1998年成立以来,启动了面向亚太区高校博士生、硕士生和优秀本科生的“明日之星”实习生项目。该项目由微软亚洲研究院和国内外高校共同执行,旨在培养高素质的计算机基础研究人才。实习生进入微软亚洲研究院后深入到每个研究小组进行为期三个月或更长时间的实习。截止至2010年10月,已有4300名来自亚太区高校的学生到微软亚洲研究院实习,平均每年有400个实习机会开放给所有的学生。

目前微软研究院开放的组别有:网络图像组,互联网搜索与挖掘组, 无线传感组, 视觉计算组, 软件分析组;

网络图像组(Internet Graphics Group)
Required Qualifications:
•        Great research interests and capabilities in information visualization and visual analytics.
•        Being familiar with information visualization or scientific visualization is a plus.
•        A strong background in mathematics is preferred.
•        Extensive experience in designing and developing interactive, large object-oriented software systems.
•        Strong programming skills in C++/C#; being familiar with HTML/Javascript is preferred.

互联网搜索与挖掘组(Web Search and Mining group )
Required Qualifications:

•        Familiar with Web search, Data mining.
•        Have the experience of doing research
•        Good problem solving skill and data analysis skill
•        Familiar with C++ or C#.
•        More than 6 months full-time with Supervisor's permission
•        Good communication skill, patient and easy to get along with;

无线传感组(Feng’s group)
Required Qualification
•        Strong programming skills
•        Interested in the area of mobility, wireless networking, data processing, and systems research
•        Solid foundation in computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field
•        Passionate about computing technology and tools
•        Good at English reading and writing
•        Good communication skills and excellent teamwork
•        Can commit at least 3 months, 5 days a week (with your advisor’s approval where applicable)

Experiences with any of the following would be a plus but not required:
•        Mobile Systems
o        Experiences in mobile phone development environments and tools
o        Familiarity with scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, or Perl
o        Familiar with web development frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Django
o        Familiar with cloud based services
o        Familiarity with machine learning algorithms and application
o        Familiarity with database usage
•        Embedded Hardware Systems
o        Experiences with circuit design, PCB design and layout
o        Experiences with debugging hardware using oscilloscope and multi-meters
o        RF design and debugging with spectrum analyzers
o        Hands-on experiences with embedded devices
o        Driver development
•        Wireless Sensor Networks
o        Experiences with TinyOS development
o        Knowledge in multi-hop networking, MAC protocols, IPv6, 6LowPAN, and event driven programming
o        Familiarity with sensornet development environment and debugging methodology
o        Familiar with data manipulation and math programs such as Matlab

视觉计算组(Visual Computing Group)
Required Qualifications:
        MS/PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or any related technical field and possess the following skills;
        Requirements in the following research areas
        Strong in signal and image processing
        Solid mathematics (linear algebra, optimization, statistics)
        Background in pattern recognition (clustering, learning)

        Good programming skills or have related project experience;
        Good reading, written, and oral English;
        Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
        Can commit at least 6 months internship, can get your advisor’s approval.

软件分析组(Software Analytics Group)

Roles & Responsibilities
The interns will be working with the researchers in the Software Analytics group for various research projects, with one of the three focuses below –
•        Focus 1. Research on data mining/machine learning/mathematical modeling
•        Focus 2. Prototype development
•        Focus 3. Interactive and graphical design
Required Qualifications:

•        Common requirements
a.        Good reading, written, and oral English;
b.        Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
c.        Can commit at least 6 months internship, can get your advisor’s approval.
•        Requirements to the candidates on Focus 1 and 2 (4 interns needed)
a.        BS/MS/PhD in Computer Science or any related technical field and possess the following skills;
b.        Requirements in the following research areas
c.        Strong in signal and image processing
d.        Solid mathematics (linear algebra, optimization, statistics)
e.        Background in machine learning (clustering, learning, classification)
f.        Good programming skills or have related project experience;
•        Requirements to the candidates on Focus 3 (1 intern needed)
a.        BS/MS in interactive design or any related field;
b.        Strong in interactive or graphical design;
c.        Be creative to come up with new designs.

http://www.msra.cn/Downloads/Dow ... 7-8bbd-958b67f7a986

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