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VMware 实习生招聘

发表于 2012-11-13 21:16:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
VMware 实习生招聘
VMware(纽约证交所代码:VMW)在虚拟化和云计算基础架构领域处于全球领先地位,所提供的经客户验证的解决方案可通过减少复杂性以及实现更加灵活、敏捷的服务交付来提高 IT 效率。 VMware 使企业可以采用能够解决其独有业务难题的云计算模式。 VMware 提供的方法可在保护现有投资并提高安全性和控制力的同时,加快向云计算转变的速度。 拥有 400,000多家客户和 55,000多家合作伙伴,VMware 解决方案可帮助各种规模的组织降低成本、提高业务敏捷性并确保选择自由,通过IT的变革实现业务转变。

        云计算基础架构和管理层,负责vSphere,vCenter,vShield以及Mozy关键技术研发。
        云应用平台层,负责业界首个基于开源平台即服务的Cloud Foundry,面向数据库管理的vFabric Data Director,以及大数据前沿产品Cetas,Serengeti(vHadoop)等产品的研发。
        终端用户计算层,负责View,Horizon data及Zimbra产品关键技术的研发。

cathychang@vmware.com ,不要错过机会哦

Developer Advocate
        -        Design and deliver quality sample application on Cloud Foundry platform
        -        Prepare Cloud Foundry technical content to developer conference
        -        Advocate the adoption of Cloud Foundry to the broader developer community
        -        Monitor Cloud Foundry and other open source community/BBS/forums, provide support if needed
        -        Provide general technology and architecture support to developer community on CAP products (Cloud Foundry, vFabric App Services &vFabric Data Director) and advanced languages/frameworks such as Java/Spring, Ruby on Rails, etc...

        -        BS/MS in Computer Science preferred, or equivalent experience
        -        Fluency across a range of programming languages,  comfortable picking up new languages quickly
        -        Knowledge of an object-oriented coding language such as Ruby, Java and modern web application framework like Ruby on Rails, Spring, etc.
        -        Experience on running/hosting developer related community/BBS/forums is a plus
        -        Knowledge of VMware platforms is a plus
        -        Good communication skills in English is a plus

VMware/Mozy is seeking Test Automation Engineer with experience designing and implementing complex testing regimens for Mozy products. Working with other Quality Engineering team members, including feature domain experts, you will create robust, data driven test plans built to find defects, maintain proper working order of already written tests, and oversee execution of test runs and report test failures. The candidate must be self-driven with deep understanding of development knowledge, QA process and must possess strong self-driven skills.

        Develop detailed automated tests from test plans, engineering discussions and functional specifications.
        Create, maintain and extend the test infrastructure
        Test large configurations that are similar to customer deployments
        Troubleshoot test case and test harness infrastructure failures
        Effectively communicate and collaborate with the QA team in designing, implementing and maintaining the test cases and automated scripts
        Analyze test run results and report bugs
        Actively participating in the software verification planning and test case design

        At lease 3 days a week to work in office or work from home
        BS/MS in Computer Science preferred, or equivalent experience
        Fluency across a range of programming languages, comfortable picking up new languages quickly.
        Knowledge of an object-oriented coding language such as Ruby, Java and modern web application framework like Ruby on Rails, Spring, etc.
        Good communication skills in English
        Knowledge of VMware platforms is a plus

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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2024-9-24 08:25


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