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J.D.Power PIN 招聘实习生

发表于 2013-12-9 14:32:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Position: PIN (Power Information Network) Intern

1. About J.D. Power
•        J.D. Power and Associates is a global marketing information services company operating in key business sectors across a variety of industries, providing customer satisfaction research, market research, automotive forecasting, social media research, and performance improvement programs. Established in 1968, the company has been listening to consumers and business customers; analyzing their opinions and perceptions; and refining research techniques and study methodologies to offer some of the most advanced product quality, customer satisfaction, and tracking research available today. The company's quality and satisfaction measurements are based on responses from millions of consumers annually. J.D. Power and Associates is a business unit of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

2. Main objective
•        Data analysis, including data collection, data processing, report generation and delivery report.
•        Project management including: Project scheduling, daily communication with clients and suppliers, project material documentation etc.
•        Other project materials preparation, translation, proofreading and delivery, etc.
•        Escalate critical issues to project team
•        Coordinate multiple projects/tasks concurrently
•        Coordinate time-sensitive tasks with internal support departments and external suppliers.
•        Conduct quality controls on processes (i.e. validate reports through data checks).
•        Ensure timely delivery of reports and other deliverables to clients and project team
•        Work with managers to provide value-added analysis that incorporates both primary and secondary data feeds
•        Maintain positive client relationships.
•        Respond to clients, suppliers, business partners and other project team members effectively and in a timely manner.
•        Responsible for tracking change orders and vender invoices, and assist for other administrative work.
•        Committed to enhance industry knowledge, competitiveness and customer service.
•        Efforts to help establish JDPA as a trusted partner/advisor
4. Working details
•        Working time:From now on, at least 2-3 days/week, at least 3 month internship, over 6 month is preferred.
•        Work intensity:Flexible working hours, 9:00-18:00
•        Location: Shanghai
•        Salary:12.5yuan/hour, counting by the actual working hours

5. Requirements
•        Outstanding self-confidence and excellent communication skill
•        Good logic and analytical skills
•        Fluent in both Chinese and English
•        Being dedicated and responsible, persistent, patient, careful
•        Skilled at Excel/Word/PowerPoint
•        College students

If you are interested in this position, please send your Chinese and English resume to pearl.chen@jdpa.com. In the CV, please remember to attach your photo in business dressing. Also please make sure your email tittle is in the format of “Intern-XXX (your name)-XXX University (the school you are currently attending)-XXX Major (your current major)”. Otherwise, your email will be seen as spam. Thank you.

职位IN(Power Information Network)部门实习生

1. 关于J.D. Power
•         JD Power and Associates公司是一个全球性的营销信息服务公司,并且在多种行业的关键业务部门进行经营,提供客户满意度调查,市场研究,汽车预测,社交媒体研究和性能改进方案。成立于1968年,该公司以听取消费者和企业客户的意见,并分析他们的意见,进而提炼研究技术和研究方法,提供一些最先进的产品质量及客户满意度的调查,和跟踪研究。公司的质量和满意度调查是以每年数百万的消费者反馈为基础的。JD Power and Associates是麦格劳-希尔集团的子公司。

2. 主要任务
•        深入参与PIN,辅助项目经理进行项目管理的相关工作,确保项目成果达到客户期望并成功交付。
3. 具体工作内容
•        数据分析,包括调研取样,数据收集,数据处理,生成报告及交付报告。
•        项目管理,包括:项目调度,与客户和供应商的日常沟通,项目材料整理和备份等。
•        其他项目资料的制作、翻译、校对与交付等。
•        向项目团队反应关键问题。
•        能够同时协调多个项目及任务。
•        协调公司内部后勤部门与外部供应商共同完成时间紧迫的任务。
•        按步骤执行质量控制(如通过数据核对来验证报告)。
•        确保能够及时向客户交付报告。
•        结合一手和二手数据能够与经理一起进行增值分析。
•        积极维护客户关系。
•        能够及时地回复客户、供应商、合作伙伴以及其他项目成员的要求。
•        负责跟踪订单变化和供应商发票情况,以及协助项目组完成其他行政相关工作。
•        致力于提升行业知识,竞争能力和客户业务。
•        努力使JDPA成为值得信任的合作伙伴、顾问。
4. 工作安排
•        工作时间:即日起,每周至少保证2-3天,至少能保证3个月实习时间,半年及其以上者尤佳
•        工作强度:弹性工作制,一般为9:00-18:00
•        工作地点:上海
•        报酬:12.5元/小时,按最终实际工作小时数计

5. 要求
•        具备/自信出色的沟通能力
•        良好逻辑性和分析能力
•        中、英文表达优秀
•        认真负责、执着、耐心、仔细
•        Excel/Word/PPT,并可望进一步提升成为应用这类软件的高手
•        非常关注细节
•        在校大学生

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