1. Linux Software Engineer Intern- Tools Development
- Responsible for tools (automation tool, performance analysis tool, integration tool, yocto) development on Linux.
- Working on tool maintenance and usage support for world-wide teams.
- Involved in research, investigation and definition of new tools to support Linux BSP/SDK release.
2. Linux Software Engineer Intern- Verification & Automation
- Be capable of conducting qualified Linux SDK integration/system verification against Freescale’s 32bit/64bit silicon with on time SDK delivery.
- Responsible for test cases design and automation scripts development, process improvement for SDK verification and validation, and SDK product quality assurance.
- Leverages automation infrastructure, performance tools and applications for test coverage expansion as well as verification efficiency.
3. Linux SDK Engineer Intern
- Develop Linux device driver for Freescale QorIQ/LayerScape platforms which are based on Power/ARM architecture
- Implement unit test and push the driver to Freescale Linux SDK and support the release.
- Push the driver to opensource community and get upstreamed.
1. 实习期为期一年,至少能提供一周3天的实习时间。
2. 2016届及以后毕业的硕士研究生,电子,计算机,自动化等相关专业。
3. 熟悉Linux,有相关开发或项目经验。
4. 良好的中英文沟通能力,有团队合作精神。
有兴趣的同学可以将简历和邮件以“城市-职位名称-毕业年份”命名,如“北京-Linux Software Development Intern- 2016”,发送到campus@freescale.com