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Everyday is shining~

已有 49 次阅读2007-8-10 16:56 |个人分类:随笔

    Working in Bleum for nearly ONE month!Everyday is so plenary!Everyday is so calculated!Everyday is challenging and the most important is that EVERYDAY IS SOOOOOOO JOYFUL!
    Why programming is full of joy?Even I can not imagine this point before!But now,everything seems to be changing or even have been changed...
    I still remenber that when I was a freshman or sophomore,I really did not like computer science very much.With this reason,I think(from present point of view) I even did not work hard  on programmnig lessons.Even thongh my grade is not bad(you may say good),but that is absolutely different.Grade stands for nothing but can only testify that you are a hard working guy because everyone can get a high score if he is working hard.This is obviouse and especially in universities.Now I am a little bit compunctious.What if.......BUT,there is always not so much "what if" in this world,,,,,,
    Maybe all of these are due to the influence from DC(not Digital Camera) because from the time we were matriculated by each other's university,he always told me something related to economy and commerce.I gradually know what is HSBC,Citibank,McKinsey,Goldman Sachs and so on.You may know that they are all irrelated to CS but I knew much about them inch by inch!I nearly fell into that area!Optimistically speaking,I just learned something new that I will use in the future!
    I started to change my mind when I was in my second term of junior,I made up my mind to do some technical things and to find a CS related work in the future.I can not remenber when this idea came out,but I appreciate that it was in time for me because I started to love to do this kind of things mainly after our project in the class of Software Application Design.I fell in love with doing technical development staff!Incredible!That is me!
    So what I am doing is still due to that reason,or I may not sit here in Bleum's office doing our SEO project......
    Come on!Everyday is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiining~






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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2024-6-2 00:44


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