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no subject~

已有 30 次阅读2007-8-27 16:24 |个人分类:随笔

              I finally gave up the chance of working in Intel because I found that I really do not like that kind of staff related to hardware.So this afternoon,I sent an SMS to my uncle to tell him what I was thinking about and  told him that I decided to qiut this game.
              I alwayse believe that interest is the most important aspect when you are doing everything.If you are doing some tough things that you do not really like to do at all,it may waste your precious time,spoil your interest and you'll feel tired,too.
              So what I want to do is to stay at Bleum and do what I'd like to do.
              To my surprise,when we were having lunch this noon,Sam told me that after this project in our company,he wants to set up a company doing SEO himself,and what surprised me most was that he told me that he wanted me to take charge of SEO department of his company because I did this project from the beginning and know the whole process of SEO system.From his words and expression,I knew that he was not joking and got this idea for a long time.He described his plan for his company and I think that he is a good planner and I am willing to work in his company if possible.I remember he told me once that the first time he saw me(interview),he knew that I was the right person he wanted.I was confused that why he could tell  a person from the first sight?He told me that everyone's heart is written exactly on his face!That's resonable!He said that he interviewed many people before me and no one satisfied him.Someone is very conversational but can not do anything and someone thinks this task is boring......He finally got me.
              So, I was thinking of his company this afternoon,and I am one of the C*O working there.That must be full of fun!^_^






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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

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