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New Pacific Consulting 2012校园招聘正式启动!

发表于 2011-10-21 13:29:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

New Pacific Consulting 2012 Campus Recruitment

New Pacific Consulting is a management-consulting firm strictly focused on Asia growth strategy and commercial due diligence engagements. NPC has emerged as China’s leading private equity advisor. We have offices located in both China and the United States.

New Pacific Consulting’s core client base includes over half of the largest global private equity funds and an increasing number of leading China funds as well as multinational corporations. Our company focuses strictly on growth strategy in a number of industrial sectors. These sectors include:
•        Building & Construction
•        Chemicals & Coatings
•        Industrial Materials & Machinery
•        Power & Energy
•        Auto Parts & Services

Position: Analyst
Analysts work on a variety of assignments with private equity clients and corporate clients as part of project teams responsible for producing incisive final reports. With ample opportunities to learn from collaboration with senior consultants and through interaction with clients, analysts build toward mastery of the skills needed to plan and conduct market research with different methodologies

Job Location: Shanghai

Who We’re Looking For:
The ideal candidate will have:
•        An outstanding academic record
•        Good analytical & conceptual skills
•        Clear & logical thinking with excellent business sense
•        Strong communication skills & team spirit
•        Outstanding ability to conduct informational cold calls/in-depth interviews
•        Fluent in English & Mandarin
•        Related industrial project experience or previous consulting internship experience are a plus

What We Offer:
•        An exciting and cheerful working environment
•        Accelerated professional development
•        Competitive compensation

Campus Talk Events:
•        Fudan University: 2011/11/15, 18:30-20:30 (复旦大学管理学院友邦堂)
•        Shanghai Jiaotong University:2011/11/16, 18:00-20:00 (交通大学铁生馆200号宣讲厅)

Recruiting Process:
•        CV screening & Pre-talk
•        Group discussion session
•        2nd round F2F interview
•        3rd round F2F interview

Application Submission:
•        If you are interested in applying to New Pacific Consulting, please send your New Pacific Consulting Application Form with your cover letter and resume (both Chinese and English) as attachments to campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com with subject “Analyst Application –University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)”
•        Applications must be submitted before 2011/11/20

Campus Talk Opportunity_ Interactive Case Study Competition Session:
We will be providing outstanding participants with the chance to earn a “1st Round Pass”, with the right to jump directly into the group discussion session phase of the application process. At the same time, we will show New Pacific Consulting’s project types and project methodology, as well as explaining how our consultants frame analysis models and sharing useful tips for succeeding in your consulting job search.
•        Interactive Case Study Competition Session
        Oct.17th–Oct.30th: Case study topic drawn from a past NPC project will be released and available on our website: http://www.newpacificconsulting.com/
        Participants can apply either as individuals or in teams (2-4 students)
        Top 3 participants will be invited to present at our campus talk
        Managers and Directors from New Pacific Consulting will give comments on each presentation before concluding by explaining how NPC framed and analyzed the actual project
        A “1st Round Pass” will be granted to outstanding participants
•        Case Study Report Submission
        If you are interested in participating the case study competition, please send your case study report as attachments to campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com with subject “Case Study –University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)”
        Deliverables must be submitted before 2011/11/10
        Deliverables format: Word/PPT/Excel file

安帕希(上海)企业管理咨询有限公司 是一家专注于亚洲地区,服务私募股权机构的咨询公司,为私募基金及其在中国投资的工业企业提供商业尽职调查和战略咨询服务。
•        建筑业
•        化工与涂料
•        工业材料与工程机械
•        能源与动力
•        汽车及零部件

•        简历筛选&电话面试
•        小组群面
•        第二轮面试
•        第三轮面试

•        请将简历( 中英文),自我介绍信以及New Pacific Consulting的申请表(请于公司网站下载)发到公司招聘邮箱campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com,邮件名称请注明“Analyst Application –University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)”
•        截至日期:2011/11/20

我们将在此次校园招聘设置案例分析大赛,将于10月17日在公司网站公布案例题目,欢迎大家踊跃参加。表现突出的参与者将受邀在校园宣讲会进行案例演讲并授予“第一轮免试”的机会,高级经理及项目总监将于宣讲会现场进行点评和分析。各位同学可通过该环节具体了解New Pacific Consulting的项目类型,项目方法及分析模型。届时来自New Pacific Consulting的高级咨询顾问也将在现场分享咨询公司求职技巧。
•        案例分析环节
        案例题目下载:10月17日-30日,网址链接http://www.newpacificconsulting.com/
        参赛形式不限,参与者可以以组队(2-4人)或者个人参加
        前三名参与者会受邀在校园宣讲会上进行案例演讲
        颁发“第一轮免试”通行证给优胜者
•        案例分析报告递交
        请将案例分析报告提交至campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com, 邮件名称请注明“Cast Study- University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)
        案例分析报告提交日期:2011年11月10日之前
        案例分析报告格式:Word/PPT/Excel
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-27 13:47:14 | 显示全部楼层
120 days at NPC
I’ve been working for NPC for more than 4 months, and it feels that I’ve been in this family for 4 years. Here at NPC, each person is so kind and willing to help me with any problems. Each project brings me tons of challenges and learning opportunities. Each day I feel the motivation and eagerness to explore new things about different industries.
Without a complicated corporate hierarchy in our firm, we work, we laugh, and we grow together. The MD once turned on the light for me when the meeting room was too dark; our director brought us moon cakes for the holiday; the staff and interns hang out outside the office; and the company regularly organizes training events that take place in a five-star hotel around Shanghai.
With a broad business scope covering China’s industrial sector, NPC has given me opportunities to work on various types of projects regarding different industries. Through this kind of on-job training, I quickly get involved in each project. Within a short timeframe, I was able to gain interview skills, market-size modeling skills, critical and strategic thinking skills, etc. Through diverse on-job practices, I get to learn how to filter and synthesize information, how to build and test hypothesis, how to analysis issues from different perspectives, and how to present our findings in front of the clients.
Learning by doing, and growing by laughing. This is what I feel when working at NPC. I look forward to more challenges and opportunities in the future.
p.s. I’m also looking forward to the next company annual trip. It seems the destination is gonna be BALI! 
Lu Li
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