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Drucker's Precepts And Values Find New Enthusiasts

发表于 2008-6-18 16:14:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PETER DRUCKER is making a posthumous comeback.

It isn't happening in the U.S., where the Austrian-born management scholar spent much of his career until his death in 2005, at age 95. While most of Mr. Drucker's 39 books remain in print, they aren't fixtures on American best-seller lists, as they were a generation ago.

In China, however, Mr. Drucker is the man of the moment. In the past few years, devotees have created 14 Drucker academies, in Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and other Chinese cities. Their curriculum draws extensively on Mr. Drucker's writings, so thousands of students can quickly grasp the management essentials needed for China's booming economy.

Mr. Drucker's old-school values like integrity and humility play well in China, says Henry To, chief executive of the Drucker academies. Mr. Drucker spent much of his career as a consultant and professor studying big, well-known American companies. Based on their experience, he urged managers to set clear objectives, to value employees and customers, and to define their mission as more than just making a profit.

'When Drucker writes about leadership, he says that integrity must come first,' Mr. To observes. 'He says leaders need to listen to their employees and be followers, too. That matches our Confucian heritage.'

UNLIKE MANY American management gurus, Mr. Drucker frequently stretched his precepts into nonprofit and governmental areas such as education and health care. That panoramic focus turns out to be well-suited for many Asian nations, where state policy and private-sector initiative are knit together more closely than in the U.S.

Mr. Drucker's magnum opus of the 1970s, 'Management,' was updated earlier this year by Joseph Maciariello, a longtime colleague of Mr. Drucker's at Claremont Graduate University in California. But his prominence has faded in the U.S., in part because his imagery often speaks to a different era.

His books sometimes recount stories from the 1940s, when Mr. Drucker was a consultant to legendary General Motors Chief Executive Alfred Sloan. There's nothing in his writings about Google Inc., private-equity funds or other newfangled technology or financial powerhouses that are cited ceaselessly by today's most-popular business authors.

At the Drucker academies in China, however, Mr. Drucker's fondness for business history is considered a virtue, not a fault. 'I tell students: 'The truth will not be outdated,'' says Mr. To.

With China building up its manufacturing capacity at breakneck speed, Mr. To says, it's probably more useful for Chinese management students to examine U.S. industrial triumphs of past decades, rather than get distracted by the fanfare associated with various postindustrial ventures of today's America.

Mr. Drucker himself laid the groundwork for China's enthusiasm for his teachings, meeting in 2000 with leaders of the nonprofit Bright China Management Foundation to get the Drucker academies started. Last year, 6,000 Chinese managers graduated from the academies, says Bright China's chairman, Ming Lo Shao. Mr. Shao expects this year's tally to be 20% higher.

OTHER ASIAN countries also are embracing Mr. Drucker's work. Last week, Drucker enthusiasts from around the globe met at the Drucker-Ito Graduate School of Management in Claremont, California. They discussed their efforts, through various Drucker Societies and an umbrella group known as the Drucker Institute, to spread his ideas.

Some of the most detailed presentations came from boosters in South Korea and Japan. In Korea, chief executives of sizable companies meet periodically in book clubs to discuss Mr. Drucker's work and how it applies to their companies. Japanese devotees publish a journal called Civilization and Management that tries to apply Mr. Drucker's ideas to current-day problems. By contrast, U.S. attendees at the conference seemed more inclined to look backward. They giggled about Mr. Drucker's ability to outsell 'The Joy of Sex' in the 1970s. Former students and colleagues shared memories of their time with him. The phrase 'We miss him' was heard repeatedly.

Bob Buford, chairman of the Drucker Institute, voiced concern that American business audiences tend to be faddish, rapidly switching their attention to whatever scholar or commentator seems freshest. That makes it harder to keep Mr. Drucker's work in the public consciousness at home.

Mr. Drucker's writing style -- which mixed anecdotes and precepts in a way that led some fans to describe him as a philosopher -- is out of step with the tastes at many leading business schools, where the preference is for conclusions based on large statistical studies.

In China, however, Mr. Drucker is in no danger of fading away. His boosters there, in addition to running the Drucker academies, have assembled full sets of his translated works and have donated them to major Chinese universities. Their hope is that Chinese students will come to these 'Drucker libraries' in decades ahead for inspiration.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-18 16:14:29 | 显示全部楼层


彼得•德鲁克(Peter Drucker)虽然已经离开了我们,但他的理论却再次赢得了很多人的热捧。



彼得•德鲁克管理学院的首席执行长杜绍基(Henry To)说,德鲁克提出的正直和谦和等老派价值在中国很有市场。德鲁克一生大部分时间都在担任顾问和教授,研究美国大型知名企业。根据它们的经验,他敦促管理者制定明确的目标,重视员工和客户的价值,不要唯利是图。



德鲁克上个世纪70年代的代表作《管理》(Management)一书今年早些时候由和他共事已久的加州克莱蒙大学(Claremont Graduate University)教授约瑟夫•马奇里洛(Joseph Maciariello)进行了修订。不过德鲁克在美国的影响力却在日渐消退,原因之一是他书中提到的案例常常是另外一个时代的老皇历。

他的书中有时会讲述上个世纪40年代的陈年旧事,当时他是通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)首席执行长、传奇人物艾尔弗雷德•斯隆(Alfred Sloan)的顾问。他的书中完全没有今天最畅销的商业书籍中频频谈及的谷歌(Google Inc.)、私人资本运营基金或是其他新技术或是大型金融公司。



正是德鲁克本人为自己奠定了中国对他的理论的热捧。2000年,他和非营利性机构光华慈善基金会(Bright China Management Foundation)的高层会面,启动了彼得•德鲁克管理学院。光华慈善基金会主席邵明路说,去年,有6,000名中国管理者从学院毕业。他预计今年的毕业人数将增加20%。

其他亚洲国家也在追捧德鲁克的理论。上周,全球德鲁克爱好者在加州克莱蒙大学德鲁克-伊托管理研究生院(Drucker-Ito Graduate School of Management)召开会议,讨论了各自的工作,通过各种德鲁克学会和一个名为德鲁克研究院(Drucker Institute)的组织传播他的理念。

一些最为详尽的介绍来自韩国和日本的德鲁克倡导者。在韩国,大型公司的首席执行长定期在一个读书俱乐部会面,讨论德鲁克的著作,以及如何把他的理论运用到公司上。日本爱好者出版了一份名为《文明与管理》(Civilization and Management)的期刊,努力将德鲁克的想法应用到当前问题上。与此相反,美国的与会者看起来更加倾向于回顾过去。他们调侃说,上个世纪70年代德鲁克的书籍比《性爱圣经》(The Joy of Sex)还要畅销。德鲁克从前的学生和同事回忆了和他在一起的时光。他们反复说的一句话就是,“我们想念他”。

彼得•德鲁克研究院的董事长鲍伯•布弗德(Bob Buford)表示了他的担忧,他指出美国的商业领导人常常追求时髦、很快把注意力转移到学者或是评论员认为最新鲜的领域。这就使得在美国更难令公众坚持德鲁克的理念。


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