Raincity Studios(www.raincitystudios.com)是一家加拿大网站开发公司。目前,公司在中国上海开办了分公司,流景网络科技(上海)有限公司,现急需招聘若干网络开发人员。
公司一直以来都热衷于Drupal的各种项目,并与Drupal国际协会保持着良好的合作关系。2007年9月巴塞罗那Drupalcon之后,公司 CEO,Robert Scales,从Drupal国际协会接受了一项光荣的任务——通过组织首次2008上海Drupal Camp引入Drupal技术的概念及运用,从而开拓Drupal在中国的社群;除此之外,我们力争在2008年底举办亚洲的首个Drupalcon。
如果你对开源、Drupal、网站开发及设计感兴趣,希望在一个充满活力的团队中接受各种新的挑战的话,请尽快与我们联系。我们正在为Raincity Studios上海分公司寻找适合的工作人员。
Experienced PHP / CMS Developer
*2+ years of demonstrable PHP experience
*2+ years of MySQL DBMS, Apache, Linux OS
*2+ years working with HTML/CSS templates within a database driven environment for dynamic websites
Nice to have
* Work experience with Drupal or Content Management systems
*Custom module development and/or optimization for Drupal
*Experience with customizing templates, hooks, nodes, and blocks for Drupal
*Experience developing and administering community-based applications
*Hands-onexperience and expertise with cross platform/browsercompatibility andclient-side languages and architecture (DHTML, CSS,Ajax, JavaScript,XML)
*Experience developing website widgets using 3rd party APIs
*Familiarity with and adherence to web standards
*Able to multi-task and prioritize tasks in accordance with the Vancouver team
*Organized, analytical and methodical in day-to-day activities and decision making
*Effective verbal and written communication skills (ENGLISH AND MANDARIN)
*Detail-oriented and thorough
*Ability to interact professionally with a diverse group of people
*Highly skilled with Internet, email, databases, dynamic websites
*Superior ability to learn how to effectively use new software
Technical sales
*smartly pitching potential clients and successfully sell Drupal and company service
*leverageall knowledge on open source softwares/products to convinceclients theease of deploying online application with open source/LAMPsolutions
*leverageall knowledge on Drupal to convince clients of the power ofDrupalframework and the advantage of adopting Drupal as CMS instead ofanyother one
*timely collaborate with marketing and product team on clients feedback/service requests
*closely collaborate with project manager and service team to fulfill service deals with clients
*maintain good relationship with clients
*achieve sales metrics goal and able to challenge new metrics target
*able to drive internal teams to happily work and enjoy accomplishing big value to community and company
*a fast hand, rein internet/computer/office softwares very well
*3+ years of technical sales on cutting-edge technologies
*good knowledge of development cost control
*open source focused
*good knowledge of Drupal and other CMS products
*good cross-functional team player
*good organization skills
*keen to learn
*self-driven and independence
*good command of English both spoken and written
Nice to have
*big business network in China
*acumen business sense
Project Manager
Skills & qualifications
*5+ years of demonstrable experience with LAMP developments
*5+ years working with HTML/CSS templates within a database driven environment for dynamic websites
*2+ years of demonstrable experience working as a project manager
*2+ experience working with a CMS
*1+ year of experience with Drupal
*Experience developing and administering community-based applications
*Self directed individual with excellent planning, organization and follow-up skills
*Team player, willing to interact with a diverse group of people
*Open Source focused
*Effective verbal and written communication skills (English and Mandarin)
*Able to multi-task and prioritize tasks
*Detail-oriented and thorough
*Expertise with cross platform/browser compatibility and Web standards
Nice to have
*Experience with Ajax
*Third party APIs development (mashups, widgets); Google APIs, Facebook API, Twitter API...
*Knowledge of Chinese Web products and their API; Yupoo, Baidu, Tudou, 51ditu...
API Developer
Weare looking for a PHP/MySQL developer with a reliableexperienceworking with APIs (Facebook, Google Map, Flickr...) and agoodknowledge of Chinese services such as Yupoo, Baidu, 51ditu... TheAPIDeveloper will join the development team and help build andintegratethird party based solutions that will interface with ourDrupalcommunities developed accross our Canadian and Chineseoffices.Raincity Studios provides trainings on Drupal to all itsdevelopersbefore they start joining our ongoing projects.
Skills & qualifications
*3+ years of demonstrable experience with PHP, MySQL, Apache and Linux
*3+ years working with HTML/CSS templates within a database driven environment for dynamic websites
*2+ proven experience with third party APIs development (mashups, widgets); Google, Facebook, 51ditu...
*2+ experience with AJAX development
* *Open Source focused
*Effective verbal and written communication skills (English and Mandarin)
*Good knowledge of Chinese Web services and communities; Baidu, 51ditu, Tudou and such
*Able to multi-task and prioritize tasks
*Organized, analytical and methodical in day-to-day activities and decision making
*Detail-oriented and thorough
*Expertise with cross platform/browser compatibility
*Adherence to Web standards
*Team player, willing to interact with a diverse group of people
*Eager to learn
Nice to have
*Work experience with Drupal or other CMS (Joomla!, Wordpress...)
*Development experience with Drupal (custom modules, custom themes, hooks, nodes...)
*Experience with jQuery
*Experience developing and administering community-based applications
Quality Assurance engineer/Tester
Weare looking for a QA/test engineer to join our development team. TheQAengineer will be in charge of building our QA processes, writingtestplans based on specifications and reports defects to thedevelopementteam.
Skills & qualifications
*Good knowledge and understanding of QA processes
*3+ years experience on verification, testing, and documentation
*3+ experience writing tests for Apache/MySQL/PHP environments
*Experience identifying, analyzing, and documenting defects and inconsistencies based on specifications and standards
*Experience documenting, tracking, and communicating test plans, test results, analysis, and unresolved problems
*Experience with test tools
*Open Source focused
*Expertise with cross platform/browser compatibility
*Excellent knowledge of Web standards
*Effective verbal and written communication skills (English and Mandarin)
*Excellent problem solving and analytical skills required
*Able to multi-task and prioritize tasks
*Organized, analytical and methodical in day-to-day activities and decision making
*Detail-oriented and thorough
*Team player, willing to interact with a diverse group of people
*Eager to learn
Nice to have
*Work experience with Drupal or other CMS (Joomla!, Wordpress...)
*Experience working with community-based applications
请将简历及期望薪资发送至 mindy@raincitystudios.com. 我们会在收到邮件后尽快与您去得联系。另有实习岗位,请直接发送邮件询问。 |