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招聘职位:Junior Financial Analyst
Job Description:
- The candidate will be working as a Financial Analyst with the following key responsibilities:
- Report directly to the Vice President;
- Conduct industry research and analysis, target screenings and prepare pitch books Create, review financial models and valuation In conjunction with Vice President, structure and negotiate investments, involved in the due diligence process and prepare for investment memorandum;
- and Others related to execution work
- Bachelor degree in Finance and/or Accounting;
- Excellent academic qualification in the field of finance and/or accounting;
- Ability to work under pressure and produce quality work on a timely basis;
- Good communication skill and team work sprit Native Chinese;
- Fluent in oral and written English.
- 有意向者请登录 http://www.loooker.com/job/position.php?id=235 在线提交简历;
并同时发送简历至 job#loooker.com (将#改成@),邮件主题标明:“企业名称-职位名称-姓名-学校-专业-年级”查看更多职位请登陆 http://www.loooker.com .
- 截止日期:8月10日
About ChinaVest Founded in China by Americans over a quarter century ago, ChinaVest is a leading merchant bank with offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and San Francisco. ChinaVest helps companies, including foreign multinationals, private equity funds, local firms and other investors to make investments in China. We offer a unique mix of financial experience, cultural knowledge and innovation, providing our clients with the ability to get deals completed in China.
中国创业是植根中国超过25年的领先外资投资银行,专注为中国企业提供最优的全面投资银行服务。我们的业务涵盖企业跨境并购 、私募融资、企业重组收购、行业研究等各个领域,能为企业提供一站式投资银行服务。除了专业的金融服务业务,中国创业同时是活跃的直接投资者,对选定的企业利用自有资金进行直接投资。
* 注:本次招聘由中国创业投资(ChinaVest)委托罗客招聘以上职位。
符合条件并希望由罗客内部推荐者,请登录 http://www.loooker.com/job 申请内部推荐
或直接发送简历至 app#loooker.com (将#改成@),标题为:申请推荐_企业名称-职位名称-姓名-学校-专业-年级
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