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New Pacific Consulting 2013 Campus Recruitment

发表于 2012-10-11 18:15:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Pacific Consulting
2013 Campus Recruitment
New Pacific Consulting is a trusted advisor to leading investment funds, Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies on their strategic issues. We serve over half of the Top 50 global private equity firms and numerous leading China-focused funds on targeted commercial due diligence and portfolio advisory engagements.

As the newest addition to The Parthenon Group, New Pacific now serves clients through offices located in Boston, San Francisco, London and Mumbai. Our shared belief in long-term relationships, entrepreneurial consultants, and customized insights are propelling New Pacific toward another phase of remarkable growth. For more information, please visit www.newpacificconsulting.com.

Position: Analyst

Analysts work on a variety of assignments with private equity and corporate clients as part of project teams responsible for producing incisive final reports. With ample opportunities to learn from collaboration with senior consultants and through interaction with clients, analysts build toward mastery of the skills needed to plan and conduct market studies to deliver insights across multiple industries

Job Location: Shanghai

Who We’re Looking For:

The ideal candidate will have:

    An outstanding academic record
    Good analytical & conceptual skills
    Clear & logical thinking with a keen business sense
    Strong communication skills & team spirit
    Outstanding ability to conduct informational interviews
    Fluency in English & Mandarin

·       Related industrial project experience or previous consulting internship experience are pluses

What We Offer:

·       An exciting and collegial work environment

·       Accelerated professional development

·       Access to firm leadership

·       Focus on high-impact analytical and strategic projects

·       Opportunity to impact the development and growth of the firm

·       Competitive compensation

Campus Talk Events:

·       Fudan University: 2012/10/25, 19:00-21:00 (复旦大学管理学院友邦堂)

·       Shanghai Jiaotong University:2012/10/31, 19:00-21:00 (交通大学铁生馆200号宣讲厅)

Recruiting Process:

·       CV screening & Pre-talk

·       Group discussion session

·       2nd round F2F interview

·       3rd round F2F interview

Application Submission:

·       If you are interested in applying to New Pacific Consulting, please send your New Pacific Consulting Application Form with cover letter and resume (both Chinese and English) as attachments to campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com with subject “Analyst Application –University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)”

·       Applications must be submitted before 2012/11/11

“1st Round Pass” Opportunity: Case Questions Interactive Session

·       We will be holding an interactive discussion session during our campus talks. Questions will cover common case study topics, including market sizing, operations (cost control and profit improvement), and business strategy (market entry and market expansion), etc. Let us share our real-world case experience to help you tackle your interview preparation and learn more about the issues which make consulting a challenging and intellectually-rewarding career   

·       Outstanding participants will have the chance to earn a “1st Round Pass”, with the right to jump directly into the group discussion session phase of the application process. At the same time, we will share useful tips for succeeding in your consulting job search

·       All questions will be released and available on our website before the campus talk (http://www.newpacificconsulting.com/careers/)

安帕希(上海)企业管理咨询有限公司 是一家服务国际知名私募股权机构,世界五百强及大中型企业的管理咨询公司。

作为巴特农集团的新成员,安帕希目前在全球也通过波士顿,旧金山,伦敦及孟买的分支机构服务于私募基金及企业客户。 安帕希与巴特农集团在发展长期客户合作关系,培养优秀咨询顾问团队,以及为客户定制化的行业方案的共同信念及优势将推进安帕希步入快速发展的新阶段。




    请将简历( 中英文),自我介绍信以及New Pacific Consulting的申请表(请于公司网站下载)发到公司招聘邮箱campusrecruit@newpacificconsulting.com,邮件名称请注明“Analyst Application –University –Full Name (both English and Chinese)”


我们将在此次宣讲会设置案例面 试相关的互动讨论环节,内容将会覆盖常见的咨询公司案例面试题目,如市场容量,运营管理(成本控制和盈利改进),和商业战略(市场进入和市场扩张)等。我 们将会基于安帕希的项目案例经验及面试要求,为大家介绍在准备咨询公司案例面试时的注意事项及面试求职技巧。欢迎大家踊跃参加,表现突出者将被授予“第一 轮免试”的机会。


-         10月15日-31日

-         网址链接http://www.newpacificconsulting.com/careers/

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