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发表于 2012-10-19 11:36:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1997年凯捷登陆中国。凯捷在中国经历了多年的发展,成效卓著。尤其是近五年,凯捷中国实现了跨越式的高速增长。目前,凯捷中国已经成为集团重要的战略新兴市场之一。凯捷在上海、北京、广州、深圳、昆山、香港和台北等地均设有分公司和办事处。拥有超过1800名管理顾问和技术专家团队,业务覆盖了管理咨询、信息技术、服务外包以及全球研发等。 凯捷中国有效地将中国团队与全球业务网络和资源高度融合,形成相互支持的网络化服务能力。借助凯捷独具特色的“协同业务体验”服务模式,凯捷中国团队与客户共同剖析业务需求的核心,为中国本土以及在中国的跨国企业提供全面和真正具有竞争力的解决方案及服务。

宣讲会高校        宣讲会时间        宣讲会地点

复旦大学        10.22.  15:30        老逸夫楼报告厅
浙江大学        10.23.  18:30        永谦一楼报告厅
华南理工大学        10.25.  19:00        北校区多媒体课室33号楼101
上海财经大学        10.31.  18:30        行政楼一楼报告厅
上海交通大学        11.06.  18:30        学术活动中心演讲厅
南京大学        11.08.  18:30        南园教学楼219
四川大学         11.13.  18:30        就业指导中心201报告厅


1.        Associate Consultant (Capgemini Consulting)

Job Type: Permanent
Category: Management Consulting
Location: Shanghai/Beijing

Position Description:  
As an Associate Consultant of Capgemini, we expect you:
1.        Be capable of data gathering and carrying out analytical tasks under direction.
2.        Be able to communicate and present findings and ideas in a clear, focused and persuasive manner.
3.        Have ability to achieve results in a team environment.
4.        Have ability to structure own work and deliver in accordance with agreed budgets and timescales.
5.        Be demonstrated interested in business.
6.        Be demonstrated understanding of the needs of others and responds to them.
7.        Share good techniques, provides feedback of applying these, and demonstrated openness to receiving same.
8.        Keep up to date with trends and changes in technology that are relevant to your community.
Some skills are necessary for you to develop in consulting industry:
1.        Good education background with master above degree, major in Economics, Finance, and Management is preferred.
2.        Excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Mandarin.
3.        Excellent analytical, synthesis and problem solving skills.
4.        Be resilient, flexible, enthusiasm, initiative and creative.
5.        Open mind and good team player.
6.        Outstanding presentation, facilitation and influencing skill.
7.        Be capable to manage time/task well.

2.        Associate Consultant (Technology Services)
Job Type: Permanent
Category: Technology Services
Location: Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen/Guangzhou

Position Description:  
As an Associate Consultant of Capgemini, we expect you:
1.        Be capable of data analysis, gathering, processing and other analytical tasks under direction.
2.        Be able to communicate and present findings and ideas in a clear, focused and persuasive manner.
3.        Have ability to achieve results in a team environment.
4.        Have ability to structure own work and deliver in accordance with agreed budgets and timescales.
5.        Be demonstrated interested in business and using information technology to improve business efficiency.
6.        Be demonstrated understanding of the needs of others and responds to them.
7.        Share good techniques, provides feedback of applying these, and demonstrated openness to receiving same.
8.        Keep up to date with trends and changes in technology that are relevant to your community.
Some skills are necessary for you to develop in consulting industry:
1.        Good education background with Bachelor above degree; preferred major including but not limited to Computer Science, Software Engineering, Economics, Finance, Management, Supply chain, Manufacturing, etc.
2.        Excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Mandarin.
3.        Structured thinking, excellent analytical, synthesis and problem solving skills.
4.        Having experience in design, development, deploy and maintenance of software applications.
5.        Outstanding presentation, facilitation and influencing skill.
6.        Be capable to manage time/task well.
7.        Knowledge or experience about an industry or management domain is a plus.

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