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Shanghai GE Capital GDS Open Day

发表于 2013-5-14 10:01:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
GE Capital, as part of General Electric family, is a leading global financial services business. GE Capital offers an array of financial products and services to more than 100 million consumers, retailers and commercial customers around the globe. With strong origination capabilities and risk management, GE capital has deep industry expertise and experience in providing financial solutions that enable our customers and partners to build a stronger, better future. You can learn more about GE Capital overall at http://www.gecapital.com
Global Decision Science (GDS) Team, as part of GE Capital, is providing off shore advanced analytical service to Marketing and Risk function mainly in both consumer finance (branded as GE Money in several markets) and commercial finance business within GE Capital. We excel in the analytical work of Predictive Analytics, Portfolio Segmentation, Model Development, Strategy Design, Portfolio Analysis, MIS/Dashboards, Consulting and etc.
作为GE校园嘉年华的重要组成部分,GE开放日变革了传统灌输式宣传模式,让学生与企业间的双向互动变成现实。开放日以职业游园的形式举行,活动现场设立了GE公司能源、航空、家庭和商业解决方案、交通运输、金融、医疗以及中国研发中心七个业务展台, 多角度、全方位、立体化地向大学生展示公司的文化理念、管理理念和发展成果。同时,进行了“创想未来”暑期实习的小型宣讲。现场同学和来自GE各个业务集团的同事们以及HR面对面互动,不仅近距离观察、了解了GE的各个业务部门,了解GE 2013年EID的招聘信息,而且,同来自GE各个业务集团的精英进行交流,现场投递简历,争取实习机会。在这里,一个个关于GE的梦想正在一步步实现。http://ge.hiall.com.cn/school_active.php
其中,GDS的宣讲会包含GDS Introduction session, Develop Career with GDS, Free Talk, GE Campus Visit等环节,表现优异的同学将会优先获得通用电气金融全职工作的面试机会。
•        Bachelor degree holders and current master degree candidates who will finish graduate studies by 2013 or 2014 with strong quantitative background, e.g. Computer Science, Statistics, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Economics.
•        Excellent communication skills including fluent English and ability to organizing thoughts and articulate them and strong analytical aptitudes including broad skills in data manipulation, statistics knowledge background will be a plus.
•        Motivated, proactive, detail-oriented, professional and willing to work hard.

•        Collect Resume: May 13th – May 20th
•        Phone Interview & Written Test: May 15th – May 21st
•        Offer Proposal: May 22nd
•        GE Open Day: May 24th 2013 9:00a.m.-12:00a.m.
•        Location: 1 Huatuo Rd, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai
Please send your resume to Lijia.Xu@ge.com with “GE Open Day” as subject.

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