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环球港-lekker Chocolaterie 招聘兼职员工(周末、节假日等)

发表于 2013-9-24 17:50:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
薪资报酬: 按小时计算(10-13元/小时)
联系方式:Email: suzy@lekker-chocolaterie.com ;
电话: 021-66856693
或直接到门店“环球港”B1052  面试
联系人:Suzy Cao


上海LEKKER/乐可尔食品有限公司,是由欧洲一些具有百年制作经验的巧克力工艺商组成的一个大家庭; 我们所有的产品都是100%进口; 同我们合作的都是高品质的品牌生产商,且都各有特色。 他们将致力于自己的传统、设计、风格以及其坚定的承诺融入到他们高质量产品的口味中。
Shanghai LEKKER Confectionery Company limited is originated from a great family which is built on top of the craftsmanship of several centuries in the European chocolate industry. Those imported products are provided by high-quality manufacturers with unique features. They are dedicated to their own traditional style of designing and the long-term commitment towards customers’ full satisfaction.   
         2013年我们为您带来了荷兰Winters纯正手工巧克力,Winters Chocolaterie 是Mr  Arnound Winters 在Piva结束了巧克力的专业技术培训后,凭着对巧克力的无限热爱,在家族几代人从事巧克力事业的影响下,基于荷兰传统制作手工巧克力的工艺基础上,融入自己的创新艺术创建的顶级纯手工巧克力品牌。Winters巧克力坚持采用最优质的可可原料,力求做到每一粒巧克力都是艺术品。它的总部和生产基地设在荷兰的Valkenswaard,并在荷兰的其它城市设有实体连锁店。
In 2013, we bring to the Chinese market the purely handmade chocolate brand, “Winters Chocolaterie”. This well-known brand was created through generations’ work of the Winters’ family after Arnoud’s professional training at Piva’s. It combined the Dutch traditional chocolate home-made handicraft with their innovation by heart and soul. Winters choc persist on using the finest cocoa materials and makes continuous efforts to treat each chocolate as a piece of “Art”. Our HQ and production are based at Valkenswaard, NL and there is an entity chain of choc stores in the Netherlands.
       “ LEKKER”源于荷兰语,是“喜欢”的意思。这也是我们的理念,希望把这份“爱意”互相传递:情人;亲人;朋友;同学……
“LKKER” is a very common Dutch slang that stands for “喜欢”. This is also our business philosophy and we do hope we are able to deliver this unique piece of “Love” to your beloved, relatives, friends, school mates, etc.
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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

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