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美库尔Merkle 2014 招聘

发表于 2013-9-29 14:27:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We have one goal. And that is to be a great company.
Merkle Inc,领跑全美的整合客户营销专家。公司创立于1971年,总部设在美国首都大华府地区,全公司1800多名员工分布在全美13座城市,以及英国伦敦和中国上海,南京。Merkle为全球超过150家的全球500强企业提供咨询服务,涉及行业包括汽车、多渠道零售、保险、金融服务、抵押贷款、商业银行业务、信用卡业务、非盈利性基金募集、消费品包装行销、生物制药和旅游休闲等领域。公司于2009年初起,拓展部分核心业务到中国,为全球和本土企业提供客户关系市场营销服务,主要业务包括:市场营销策划、客户关系管理、统计建模和分析,数据处理分析、数据库开发、管理和服务。

哥伦比亚| 波士顿| 芝加哥| 丹佛| 巴尔的摩| 小石城| 明尼阿波尼斯|新泽西| 纽约| 费城| 匹兹堡| 旧金山| 伦敦| 上海| 南京
Quantitative Marketing Group (QMG)
- Statistical
Analyst / Data Analyst / Marketing Analyst

Client Experience
Group (CXG)

- Search Marketing Specialist 搜索营销专员 (CXG)
- Media Optimization Specialist 广告媒体优化专员 (CXG)
Who I am?  美库尔中国官方网站:http://www.merkleinc.com/cn
Follow Merkle!  美库尔新浪微博:http://weibo.com/merkleinc

Quantitative Marketing Group (QMG)
Statistical Analyst / Data Analyst / Marketing Analyst统计分析师/数据分析师/市场分析师
* Position Responsibilities:
- Analyze and manage data using SAS, SQL or other languages as required
- Implement analytical solutions using the following techniques: Statistical modeling, Customer profiling, Segmentation Analysis, Survey Design and Analysis, Data Analysis and Mining, External Data
Enhancement, and Econometric and financial analysis

- Evaluate and improve internal tools and processes
- Develop and test experimental designs, sampling techniques, and analytical methods
- Report results of statistical analyses,including information in the form of graphs, charts, and tables
* Position Qualifications:
- Qualified individuals possess the Merkle attributes of being smart, curious, having a sense of  urgency,committed to vision, passionate, an achiever and fun/pleasant
- BS/MS/PhD degree from a top university in a quantitative discipline e.g. Statistics, Mathematics,Economics, Operations Research, Computer Science, Engineering, etc.
   - Strong communication, interpersonal and leadership abilities
    - Good in Oral and Written English
  - Experience in one of computer languageslike C, C++, Fortran, etc. is required
- Experience in SAS Programming, R,Statistical Modeling, and SQL is preferred, but not required
  - Experience in Marketing and Business is preferred, but not required
  * 工作职能
  - 应用SASSQL或其他编程语言分析和管理数据
- 应用统计模型、客户分析、分类分析、问卷设计和分析、数据挖掘和分析、外部数据强化、计量经济和金融分析等方法,实施分析解决方案
- 评估和完善内部工具和流程
- 开发和测试实验设计、取样技术和分析方法
- 将统计分析结果以信息、图形和表格等形式整合并汇报
* 职位要求
   - 具有美库尔人的共有特质——富有智慧、求知欲、紧迫感、使命感、热情、实干精神与活泼的个性
- 具有国内外优秀大专院校的本科以上学历,定量学科专业优先(如统计、数学、经济学、运筹学,计算机科学和工程等)
   - 有较强的沟通、交际和领导能力
  - 良好的书面英语及口语交流能力
- 有计算机编程经验(CC++Fortran等)
- SAS 编程\R 编程\统计建模SQL经验者优先  
- 在市场营销行业内有实习经验者优先

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 14:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
Client Experience Group (CXG)
Search Marketing Specialist 搜索营销专员 (CXG)
* Position Responsibilities:

-         Performing keyword research, optimizing content, performing site analysis, performing linking research and strategy development, and contributing to the technical consulting needs of our clients SEO program

-         Perform frequent data manipulation and interpretation exercises,with Excel and proprietary tools; Experience with Excel is critical, in that you will frequently utilize various formulas and shortcuts to perform a variety of spreadsheet tasks

-         Complete activities according to best practices and standard operations procedures, consistently meeting quality standards, utilizing ethical approach and striving to add value in each activity

-         Active monitoring and sharing of industry news, on-line marketing trends, industry tools

* Position Qualifications:

-         Qualified individuals possess the Merkle attributes of being smart, curious, having a sense of urgency, committed to vision, passionate, an achiever and fun/pleasant

-         Bachelor's degree or above preferably in Marketing, Business,Information Sciences, Communications, Management Information System, Economics or related field

-         Good  written and oral English communication skills

-         Mastery of Excel,including pivot tables, V/H Look-ups, concatenation, macros

-         Self management of time, able to meet deadlines in time sensitive, desire to work in dynamic,time intensive environments

-         Energetic, organized,highly motivated, personal accountability and a fast and constant learner

-         Familiarity with web development, engine algorithms and SEO, a plus

-         Relevant project  internship experience, a plus

  * 工作职责:
      - 负责网站关键词/链接/内容的分析、筛选和优化,根据客户的SEO方案提供技术咨询和推广策略
      - 根据既有的经典范例和标准作业程序,对方案进行持续跟踪和及时调整,高质量的完成并优化各项工作指标
     - 及时掌握并与组员分享最新的市场动态、网络营销趋势和前沿的行业工具
  * 职位要求:
     - 具有美库尔人的共有特质——富有智慧、求知欲、紧迫感、使命感、热情、实干精神与活泼的个性
      - 学士学位,市场营销、工商管理、信息科学、信息管理、通信、经济学或相关专业优先
     - 良好的书面英语及口语交流能力
     - 精通Excel应用程序,包括数据透视表、V/H查询和宏命令等
     - 良好的时间管理能力,能及时高效的完成工作,能够适应灵活却紧张的工作环境
     - 性格活泼,有良好的组织能力和责任心,学习能力强
     - 熟知网页开发、引擎算法和SEO者优先
    - 有相关工作或实习经验者优先
Media Optimization Specialist 广告媒体优化专员 (CXG)
* Position Responsibilities:

-         Manage digital assets (images, banners, tags,etc) using ad servers (e.g. DoubleClick)

-         Work with databases to insert/update/query ad data

-         Write SQL to pull data from database and generate reports

-         Analyze data and recommend the optimizations can be made to improve the ad targeting

-         Effectively communicate reporting results and status to Optimization team in US

* Position Qualifications:

-         Qualified individuals possess the Merkle attributes of being smart, curious, having a sense of urgency, committed to vision, passionate, an achiever and fun/pleasant

-         Bachelor's degree or above preferably in Advertising, Statistics, Marketing, Business, Information Sciences, Communications,Management Information System, Economics or related field

-         Good  written and oral English communication skills

-         Basic knowledge of HTML and keeping a blog

-         Experience taking screenshots, cropping, and basic image editing

-         Familiarity with Excel and Google products like Docs, Calendar,AdSense, Analytics, a plus

-         Data-orientated,analytical and web-savvy

-         Keen problem-solving and troubleshooting abilities, Drive, ability to manage details,meticulousness

-         Experience working with data analysis tools (e.g. Tableau), a plus

-      Familiarity with the language of digital media (e.g. impressions, CTR, CPMs, eCPMs) or online measurement (e.g. uniques, pageviews, visits, referrers), a plus

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 14:40:24 | 显示全部楼层
* 工作职责:
- 利用广告服务器管理数字资源,例如DoubleClick
- 使用数据库来插入、更新并查询广告数据
- 编写SQL语句,从数据库抽取数据并生成报告
- 分析数据,优化广告目标市场选择
* 职位要求
   - 具有美库尔人的共有特质——富有智慧、求知欲、紧迫感、使命感、热情、实干精神与活泼的个性
- 学士或以上学位,广告、统计、市场营销、工商管理、信息科学、信息管理、通信、经济学或相关专业优先
   - 具备HMTL相关知识并有更新博客的习惯
- 能够使用图片处理工具,例如截图、裁剪和编辑
- 熟悉Excel和谷歌相关产品(例如谷歌文档、谷歌日历、谷歌分析、AdSense等)者优先
- 以数据为导向,善于分析,并具备丰富的网络知识
- 善于发现并解决问题,细心谨慎
- 有数据分析相关软件经验者优先,例如Tableau
- 熟悉数字媒体语言(例如impressions, CTR, CPMs, eCPMs)或者在线测量语言(例如uniques, pageviews, visits, referrers)者优先

发表于 2013-10-1 22:50:05 | 显示全部楼层
又要校招啦 啦啦啦

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