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【市场部Marketing Intern】Spectris-Malvern 英企思百吉集团马尔文BU

发表于 2014-2-8 11:41:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 °孙嘉静ღ 于 2014-2-8 11:41 编辑

Spectris Group

Business Unit: 【Malvern – Marketing Dept.】
Main Products: Research instruments
Job Title: 【Marketing Intern】
Office Addr: Caohejing, Rm. 101 XinAn Building, 99 Tianzhou Rd.

Job Description:
-        Marketing administrative support of arranging paper-data, sample materials (incl. brochure, poster etc.) as well as contracts of business events.
-        Cooperate with marketing team members to ensure the exhibitions, seminars or any other marketing events go on well.
-        Marketing necessary research (incl. needed clients’ telephone calls and online info searching and etc.)
-        Other daily work assigned by marketing dept.

Required key skills:
-        AT LEAST 3 days per week. Internship salary is 100/day. If there’s any outdoor events, transportation, hotel and other related fees will be covered by the company.
-        Experienced in marketing field in uni or future reference for career endeavor in Marketing Communication. Major in marketing/economy/management or other related major is a plus.
-        Good at reading and writing in English, excellent communication skills.
-        Pro-active with a CAN-DO attitude, able to accept new knowledge in a short time.

部门:【马尔文 - 市场部】
工作地点:漕河泾开发区 - 田州路99号新安大楼101室

1.        市场部数据、样本材料、合同整理
2.        各类展会、研讨会现场布置、支持
3.        市场调研(包括必要的市场部电话联络和线上查询)
4.        其他市场部安排工作

1.        一周至少工作3天,实习工资100元/天。如遇特殊活动如展会外出等,出行交通、酒店等费用可报销
2.        校内有市场推广经历或未来想要从事市场传播工作,市场/经济/管理或相关专业优先
3.        英语读写能力佳,善于沟通
4.        工作态度积极主动,能快速接受新的知识

请将简历投至 jenny.sun@malvern.com.cn ,邮件标题为“姓名+年级+专业+学校+一周可工作天数”。马尔文是一个很成熟的BU,marketing部门人都很好,一个帮助你在职业道路上成长的地方。主要工作和我的交集会较多。
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