Human Factors / User Experience Specialist
Key Responsibilities:
Perform User Research like survey, focus group, interview, ethnographic studies, observation and voice of customer studies
Document product requirements, User experience requirements and specifications, User experience analysis, principles, reports and metrics
Perform product evaluation and User Experience Evaluation, include usability test, ergonomic test and various user experience evaluations
Perform competitive analysis and testing from design, ergonomic, product using, user standpoint
Work with product designer to transfer user experience findings into design improvements, concepts and solutions
Develop and support design thinking with Ergonomic analysis, human principles, User Center Design, human factors
Deliver User Experience relevant training to non-UE people
Qualification and Competencies:
Demonstrated experience in conducting user experience analysis, evaluation and design
Demonstrated strong skills in statistic analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis
Experience in interaction or UI design is a plus
Demonstrated ability to work effectively with other technical disciplines (Industrial Designers, Interaction Designers, Mechanical designer, Test team, as well as Business and Marketing)
Ability to work creatively and analytically in a challenging environment
Excellent work attitude and team work spirit
Strong oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, able to collaborate and negotiate effectively in a cross-functional team.
• Posses a Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. in Psychology, Human Factors, Ergonomics, Anthropometry, or related field with a user experience emphasis.
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Look forward to your feedback!
Good luck!
Best Regards,
Bamon Wang
Honeywell's Staffing Partner
Tel: + 86512 67619697
Fax: + 86512 62963315
Cell: +86155 0155 5130
MSN: kingsb@live.cn
Email: Bamonwang@careerrpo.com
Add: No.430, Libing Rd., Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, P.R.C 201203
Post Code: 201203
Web: honeywell.com/sites/CN/Pages/Home.aspx