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发表于 2014-10-30 17:09:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

请有意向者将中英文简历发至 illion.xu@intel.com, 邮件题目和简历文件名请遵从规则 姓名-毕业学校-期望工作地点(北京或上海),比如 李刚-上海大学-上海

Flex Services 部门介绍

Flex Services部门主要负责软件开发和新型技术的研究工作,为英特尔各事业部提供高技术含量的服务,项目涉及各英特尔各项重要产品,如移动芯片、服务器、PC、物流网及可穿戴设备等。同时Flex Services部门也和英特尔研究院合作进行各项创新和前沿技术的研究,如4G/5G通信技术、近距离通信、图形图像算法和优化等。Flex Services部门曾连续两届获得“英特尔质量奖”的重大荣誉。英特尔Flex Services期待你的加入。


Intel China Flex Services – Platform Software Technology

Shanghai, Beijing

Job Title
Software Engineer – System level software development

Job Description
You should be a 2014/2015 College Graduate (CG) with at least a Master's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.

The qualified candidate will join Intel China Flex Services – Platform Software Technology team as a software engineer. He/She will have opportunities to work with different Intel product/business groups on various R&D projects, mainly focusing on system level software areas such as OS kernel, BIOS/Firmware development, network/graphics or other I/O driver development, imaging/media development, etc. The good performer will have opportunity to take key position in the team, such as technical lead.


Educational background and working experience
-       Must be a 2014/2015 graduate with Master degree (or higher) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
-       Must be comfortable with working in a fast paced environment.

Technical skills
-       Proficient programming and/or debug and/or troubleshooting skills in system level software development
-       Proficient in C and/or C++, assembly languages, data structure and algorithm
-       Device driver development knowledge under Windows* and/or Linux*, GFX driver development & debug experience & expertise is a strong preference.
-       Proficient in one or more popular development tools like Visual Studio, GCC and others
-       Intel architectures like IA-32, IA-64

Soft skills
-       Strong self-learning capability in different technical areas
-       Fluent spoken and written English would be an added advantage
-       Communication skills with internal or external partners, customers and vendors would be an added advantage

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GMT+8, 2024-9-24 11:23


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