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发表于 2015-11-18 17:47:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Essexhr 于 2015-11-18 18:41 编辑

−        针对公司需求,利用Adobe软件,制作公司分析报告及相关宣传品。(主要为英文商业案例);
−        配合公司网站Banner定期更新进行相应的平面设计;
−        协助进行一些UI设计。

−        本科及以上学历,设计类专业毕业;
−        具有一定艺术修养,对设计具有独特的见解,有成熟的设计理念,有敏锐的感悟力和表现力,对于金融行业有一定了解者优先;
−        具有较高的平面设计水平,思路敏捷,善于动脑,作品有一定的感染力,并具有良好的表达能力,谈吐清晰;
−        对于平面设计工作有一定了解,有相关经验者优先(Infographics);
−        能熟练运用各种平面设计相关软件(Photoshop、illustrator,PPT等);
−        具良好的职业道德,较强的设计创新能力和较高工作效率;工作认真负责,耐心细致有进取精神,通力合作具有团队精神;
−        面试时请务必携带本人感觉较为满意的个人作品。

Job Description:
--Use Adobe to make analysis report of company and relating propaganda items according to the need of company (mainly English business cases).
−        Renew the graphic design regularly of company’s website Banner.
−        Assist to do some UI design.

Job Requirements:
−        At least Bachelor diploma, major in designing;
−        -Fine artistic tastes, peculiar insights to design, mature design idea, keen sensibilities and expressive force, basic understanding of financial industry is preferred.
−        Excellent graphic design experience, clear and quick thinking abilities, the work has certain appeal, fine communication skills, talk clearly.
−        Understanding of graphic design and relating experiences is preferred.
−        Skilled in various graphic design software, such as Photoshop, illustrator, PPT etc.
−        Excellent professional ethics, strong design creative abilities and high working efficiency; detail-oriented, patient and aggressive, strong team spirit of cooperation.
−        Please bring your satisfactory work to interview.

About Essex Lake Group
Essex Lake Group LLC is a young and unique firm that deploys Big Data science and deep industry experience to deliver results for global Fortune 100 companies. Our team of highly skilled analytics scientists, recruited from some of the world’s top universities and consulting firms, is integrated into a result-oriented firm focused on uncovering hidden profit opportunities for clients in consumer-focused industries like financial services, telecom, health care, and travel and leisure services.
Essex has distinguished itself as a highly effective and insightful firm able to deliver results fast. We address client needs in marketing, collections, technology, operations, procurement/supply chain, risk management and other functional areas. In a marketplace full of competing firms involved in only part of the profit enhancement process, Essex's teams are structured to be involved comprehensively, on an iterative basis, addressing upfront strategy; devising and performing granular and insightful analysis; and translating that analysis into results. Essex represents a strong, integrated alternative to traditional strategy consultants, statistical modeling shops and IT consulting firms.
With offices in New York, London, Shanghai and New Delhi, Essex has successfully completed numerous engagements in US, South Africa, Asia and Europe.

ESSEX Lake Group是一个全球化的管理咨询公司,在纽约, 伦敦, 米兰, 上海, 新德里, 圣彼得堡都有分公司。本公司致力于为世界财富500强公司提供高质量的咨询服务。我们的核心团队成员在运营分析和金融领域具有非常丰富的经验。多数合伙人早年领导知名咨询公司以及金融机构包括麦肯锡, 尼尔森,奥普诺,美国运通,巴克莱,汇丰等。平均都拥有超过二十五年的管理经验。 通过成功的项目合作,我们已经与北美和欧洲主要金融机构建立起了非常密切的关系。我们的优势在于利用和传统管理咨询公司不一样的分析技术和方法,结合行业专家的丰富的管理经验,为复杂问题切合实际的解决方案,以帮助客户在短时间内,实现利润的大幅提升。

简历发送至:careers.china@essexlg.com 同时抄送至:jiawei.hu@essexlg.com!
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