Content: Explor Club is quite different from the current English salon and training class.
We are focus on a new salon model: students running the class with a native speaker mostly as a facilitator.
The foreigners are not teachers here, actually they are facilitators.
Anyone who wants to join the salon must be sure that the onus to participate is on the class attendees.
The fee of the salon is 30-60 RMB. (You could decide the payment after the activity.)
官方群:开心网,Partner: iFun 桌游吧
Address: 普陀区金沙江路65弄5号克丽丝丁大厦1702室(近中山北路) ,轨道交通三号线金沙江路站(距中山公园一站)下,步行5分钟, 华师大旁。
Mobile phone: 13817019491 Frank |