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Carestream Health招软件/算法实习生

发表于 2010-2-22 13:22:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Carestream Health China公司简介

Carestream Health 公司成立于 2007 年,是位于加拿大多伦多的 Onex 公司收购伊士曼柯达公司医疗集团后组成的。2006 年的总收入超过 25 亿美元。

Carestream Health 公司拥有8,100 多名员工,为 全球150 多个国家的数万名客户提供优质的医疗产品。公司拥有1,000多项技术专利,产品在全球90%的医疗机构中运转。在医疗信息管理解决方案(KODAK Carestream Solutions),数字获取解决方案(KODAK DIRECTVIEW CR/DR System),数字输出解决方案(KODAK DRYVIEW System)以及数字乳腺放射成像解决方案,牙科及分子成像系统,各种数字和传统 X 光胶片产品在内的多个领域中,Carestream Health 公司凭借丰富的整合方案以及专业全面的服务体系已经成为医疗数字成像市场的领导者。

Tools Developer(Intern)

1) Internal Website new features development (asp/ asp.net)
2) Lotus Notes Development for internal applications (lotus script and lotus formula)
3) Develop plug-ins for Confluence and JIRA.

1) Have good programming skills, e.g. Java/VB
2) Experience in web development and Java programming
3) Good at troubleshooting and problem tracking
4) Good communication and excellent English skills
5) Webwork framework is needed
6) Ajax is a plus
7) Experience in UML design

Assistant Algorithm Researcher (Intern)

1. Assist research scientists in carrying out a pioneer algorithm research on the pioneer medical imaging products

2. Work in a multidisciplinary product development team to implement medical imaging algorithms and software development.

3. Assist research scientists in drafting the research proposals.


1. Be with a research background on: image processing or computer graphics

2. Very good at C++, C# and GUI programming

3. Self-motivated, fast learning, original thinking, and good analytical ability are desirable.

4. Be now a PhD degree candidate or master degree student from top Chinese universities or overseas.

5. At least 4 days/week; duration last half a year and one year are preferred.

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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2025-3-7 10:11


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