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发表于 2010-12-26 13:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Microsoft Research Asia is recruiting interns for Stars of Tomorrow Internship Program.
微软亚洲研究院是微软公司在美国本土之外最大的基础科研机构,被美国著名技术杂志MIT  《Technology Review》誉为“世界上最火的计算机实验室”。自1998年成立以来,启动了面向亚太区高校博士生、硕士生和优秀本科生的“明日之星”实习生项目。该项目由微软亚洲研究院和国内外高校共同执行,旨在培养高素质的计算机基础研究人才。实习生进入微软亚洲研究院后深入到每个研究小组进行为期三个月或更长时间的实习。截止至2010年10月,已有4300名来自亚太区高校的学生到微软亚洲研究院实习,平均每年有400个实习机会开放给所有的学生。

目前微软研究院开放的组别有:互联网搜索与挖掘组, 无线网路组

Position: Full-time Intern
Group: Web Search and Mining
Quantity: 2
Work Location: Beijing

Group Overview
Knowledge is important in facilitating the understanding of human communication. Our mission is to develop infrastructures and mechanisms to support knowledge acquisition and serving. We work on enabling techniques for the physical infrastructure (graph-based knowledge store), the logical infrastructure (reasoning over uncertain data), and applications (search, question and answering, NLP, etc).

Roles & Responsibilities
The interns will work with our team on one or more research topics in our probabilistic knowledge base: Probase, such as acquiring knowledge from more than 1.68 billion web documents in MS Cloud platform; mining relations among millions of concepts, entities and attributes; understanding documents by reasoning over uncertain data; addressing entities disambiguation/attributes synonyms in Probase; building cool applications upon on the knowledge base; working on graph algorithms to support high performance distributed graph data management; etc. The interns will be required to conduct programming, experiment, and build prototypes if necessary for various research projects, or if capable, conduct mathematical analysis of algorithms and solve new problems.

Required Qualifications:

•        Experienced with one or more of the following research areas: uncertainty data management, semantic search, ontology, machine learning, data mining, graph data management, etc.
•        Solid mathematics (probability theory, graphical models, etc.)
•        Good programming skills (C#, Java or C++) or have related project experience; experienced with C# programming as a plus.
•        Good problem solving skill and data analysis skill; good research background as a plus
•        Good reading, written, and oral English;
•        Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
•        Can commit at least 6 months internship, can get your advisor’s approval.
•        Preferred: strong self-motivated; initiative; be able to work independently

Position: Full-time Intern
Group: Wireless and Networking
Quantity: 1
Work Location: Beijing

Group Overview

The Wireless and Networking group engages in fundamental research on all aspects of computer networking. Our group members' research interests span routing/infrastructure, wireless, mobile and phone-based computing, and new networking paradigms. We emphasize both analytical and empirical approaches, and build actual systems to validate theoretical results and refine system principles from experimental work.

Roles & Responsibilities
The intern will be working with researchers in Sora, project on hardware platform building, programmable logic implementation and system level testing
(http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/sora/).The intern will be required to conduct FPGA programming, simulation and implementation, PCB level debugging and experimenting for various research projects.

Required Qualifications:

•        MS/PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Automation or any related technical field and possess the following skills;
•        Background in hardware (both programming logic and board level)
•        Good programming and implementation skills on FPGA
•        Experience in hardware debugging is a plus
•        Experience in high speed logic programming is a plus
•        Experience in device driver is a plus
•        Good reading, written, and oral English;
•        Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
•        Can commit at least 3 months internship, can get your advisor’s approval.

Qualified applicants please fill in the application and send it together with a full resume in both English and Chinese (PDF/Word/Txt/Html format) to: MSRAih@microsoft.com, and please note you are applying for MSRA Wireless and Networking Group.
Know more about Stars of Tomorrow Internship Program, please visit
Link of the application form:
http://www.msra.cn/Downloads/Dow ... 7-8bbd-958b67f7a986

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