This is an admin intern, mainly support our Shanghai sales office receptionist
/admin work.We can provide you good working environment, internship pay, milk
& fruit everyday.
Job description
* Assist and support adm team for daily operation basic work
* Office facilities daily check and maintenance
* Meeting support
* Express register and dispatch
* Monthly expenses allocation and payment arrangement
* Other tasks assigned by eader
* Pay: RMB70/day plus RMB15/day meal allowance
* College degree above
* Knowledge of MS Office (Windows, Word, Excel, etc)
* Good English in writing and oral
* Service oriented and precise attention to details
* Can work 4-5 days/week, last for 6 months
感兴趣的同学,请发送中英文简历 (简历请附上个人一寸电子照片) 到hanying@danfoss
.com , 邮件主题请注明:应聘Admin Intern- 6 month
工作地点在宜山路900号,三,四号线宜山路站乘9号线,9 号线漕河泾开发区站1号口,出站步行三分钟即可 (附近公交:804,131,89,152,927,上嘉线等)