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上海德致伦(Digilent China)招聘市场专员

发表于 2011-5-21 12:36:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
上海德致伦(Digilent China)招聘市场专员,有意者请将简历发送至lesley.sun@digilentchina.com


        市场分析
        产品销售


        协助主管进行市场数据分析;
        拜访客户与潜在客户,收集市场原始数据;
        与客户进行电话沟通,确保客户所发生的问题可以得到有效的处理,和General Manager保持通畅的联系并且告诉他任何可能会发生的问题
        与项目团队紧密合作,以保持对于项目状态信息的不间断的了解,从而可以有效地应对任何与项目相关潜在问题或机会
        可以确保能够按照流程完成所有的工作的流程
        需要能够去客户公司所在地出差,提供产品说明演示和支持,并且能够协助基本的售前、售后工作
        持续的学习拓展自身对于公司现有的和新开发的产品组合的支持
        全面了解公司的功能和服务,并能有效的把公司所有的服务和产品传达给客户
        通过周报,定期向General Manager提供所有的客户活动,包括客户状态和电话报告


        优秀的职业形象
        优秀的交流和与人沟通的能力
        有能力基于客户复杂的要求整理出有条理的建议
        有很强的能力能够向各种规模的群体提供现场演示
        良好的分析和解决问题的能力
        有良好的自觉性,并能在监督下良好的有成效的工作

Job Description:
•        Marketing analysis
•        Product sales

•        Assist the Marketing director to do the marketing data analysis
•        Visit customers and potential customers to collecting the raw marketing data
•        Ensures that client issues are dealt with in an efficient manner, informing the GM of any problems that may arise.
•        Works closely with the project team in order to maintain a continuous knowledge of project status in order to identify potential issues and/or opportunities within or related to the project.
•        Ensures that all processes and procedures are completed
•        Regular travel to customer sites to provide product presentation and support, as well as assisting with primary post-sales support
•        Continually develop his or her knowledge base of current and new products within the product portfolio.
•        Understanding of company capabilities and service, and effectively communicates all offerings to the client.
•        Reports to the GM, providing regular input on all account activity, including status and call reports on a weekly basis.

General Requirement:
•        Excellent professional image
•        Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
•        Experience generating proposals based on complex requirements
•        Strong ability to deliver presentation and live demo presentations to groups of all sizes
•        Good analytical and problem solving skills
•        Self-starter—demonstrated ability to work productively under supervision
•        Education background/experience in electrical engineering,  facility or MIS is a plus

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