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Intel招聘Marketing Intern

发表于 2011-9-22 20:29:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Intel招聘Marketing Intern

Title: Marketing Intern



1.      be proficient in HTML and website design and construction tools.

2.      excellent writing skills in both Chinese and English for press release or related articles

3.      Good interpersonal and communication skills

4.      hands-on experience in Microsoft Office


Communication and cooperation plays a huge role in the working at Intel. Newsletter contents, website contents, and demo contents are mainly from the following BU contactors’ support.

Job Description:

1.      Website maintenance and update (www.intel.com/go/icsc)

a)      Construct and design website pages

b)      Collect and update website contents from every SSG team

c)      Collect marketing activity materials from BUs and summarize them into website news.

2.      Newsletter release

a)      Write and edit news articles every month for SSG PRC newsletter based on team and product promotion events.

b)      Prepare the bilingual newsletter for publication according to the templates

c)      Write articles on SSG PRC events for SSG global newsletter

3.      Marketing events

a)     Responsible for SSG demo’s contents and owners.

b)     Coordination support on Intel SSG marketing events

Job Description: Responsibilities may be quite diverse of an exempt technical nature. U.S. experience and education requirements will vary significantly depending on the unique needs of the job. Job assignments are usually for the summer or for short periods during breaks from school.

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