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发表于 2011-11-17 18:28:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年上海Harmony Road Music Course好美乐师资培训课程

Harmony Road Music Course 音乐教育系统创办教授 JAN KEYSER 亲自授课


•        2011年12/28(三)~ 12/31(六)
•        AM9:00~PM4:30
•        上海Harmony Road好美乐教学总部
•        上海市浦东新区东方路1363号 3AB (海富花园8号楼)
•        报名专线: +21-33933913  13764552946 (伍老师)
•        资格:

1. 国内外大学以上音乐相关科系毕业。
2. 英语听说流利。
3. 具爱心及耐心,喜欢小朋友。
4. 具幼教经验者佳。
5. 能够全程参加师资训练课程者。

• 报名手续:
1. 请填妥报名表。(如附件)
2. 贴妥最近三个月内拍摄之二寸半身、脱帽、正面照片一张
3. 采 e-mail、通讯或传真报名,地址如下:
上海市浦东新区东方路1363号 3AB (海富花园8号楼)
报名专线: +21-3393-3913  13764552946 (伍老師)
Mail : susan@tiamokids.com
教学总部网址: http://www.tiamokids.com

•        工作内容:
1. 担任好美乐音乐美语教室讲师,可至全国授权教室授课(由总部提供授权许可教室)。
2. 配合授權教室时段从事授课,大部分工作时段于星期一~日(AM10:00~PM20:00)。
3. 必需参加排定之课程研讨会、讲座或其它活动。

•        师训指导内容:
内容        年龄        内容        年龄
课程        1.5~3岁        课程        4~6 岁
Toddler Tunes book1                 Harmony Road book 1         
Toddler Tunes book2                 Harmony Road book 2         
课程        3~4 岁        Harmony Road book 3         
Music in Me                  Harmony Road book 4         
More Music In Me                         

1. 课程训练:由Harmony Road Music Course 音乐教育系统创办教授 JAN KEYSER 亲自来上海指导师资课程。
2. 课程训练结束,安排至教学场所配合已排课讲师观摩课程,观摩堂数不得少于八次 ; 教学演示不得少于三次。(由上海總部統一安排與通知)
3. 中國地區师资培訓日期及课程安排:
日期        星期        内 容
Day 1
12/28 Wednesday        三        9:00 A.M. Overview of Curriculum flow chart
9:45 A.M. TODDLER TUNES (18 month- 3 years)
Learning modes and layering
Parents as a model
Experiential learning
Toddler activity areas
10:30 Break time
10:45 TODDLER TUNES (18 month- 3 years)
continuing layering and experiential activities.
12:00  Lunch
2:00  Learning Modes for 1.5 and 3
Singing and pitch concepts
Movement and rhythmic activities
Awareness of timbre and listening activities
3:00 Break time
3:15 class observation (toddler tunes 1.5-3 years)
4:00 Discussion questions and answers
Day 2
Thursday        四        9:00 A.M.  HELLO MUSIC (3-4 years )
9:30 A.M   An introduction program for MUSIC IN ME (3-4 years)
Learning Modes for 3 and 4
Singing and pitch concepts
Movement and rhythmic activities
10:30  Break time
10:45  Applying learning modes to MUSIC IN ME (young 3 and 4 )
Awareness of timbre and listening activities
Keyboard geography/pitch tracking
Finger play and soft hand shape
Pre-reading note concepts
12:00  Lunch time
1:30  Review experiential learning and layering concepts from TT and MIM
2:00  MORE MUSIC IN ME a continuation class from MUSIC IN ME
3:00  Break time
3:15  class observation (3-4 years)
4:00  Discussion questions and answers
Day 3
12/30 Friday
        五        9:00  A first class for children who need more readiness for HARMONY ROAD 1.
9:30  Practice teaching MIM or MMIM
10:30  Break
The process of audiation applied to ages 4 - 6
Solfege, the musical language- connecting voice-ear-hand
Rhythm, pulse and patterning
Finger awareness-hand shape- left and right concepts
Exploring, creating, and listening
Reading concepts, tracking notes-experiencing musical terms
11:15  Learning BY COPY, BY EAR WITH HINTS, and BY EAR techniques
12:00  Lunch time
1:30  MUSICTIME for 4 and 5 as an intro class and to evaluate readiness
2:00  HARMONY ROAD Book 1 using your guide
Development of concepts and skills in Harmony Road 1 (pitch & rhythm)
Relay and team play
Ensembles and harmonic readiness
Involving parents
Encouraging creativity
3:00  Break time
3:15  class observation (4-6 Years)
4:00  Discussion questions and answers
Day 4
12/31 Saturday        六        9:00  Preparing hands together
9:30  HARMONY ROAD Book 2
Development of harmonic skills
Preparing new key centers/ transposing
Reading games
Movement activities to reinforce pulse and phrasing
Writing and constructing to reinforce concepts
10:30  Break time
10:45  HR-3 Expanding skills and techniques
12:00  Lunch time
1:00  HR-4 Expanding key centers and keyboard ranges
2:00  Composing activities in HR-1 to HR-4
3:00  Break time
3:15  Parent Orientation and communication
3:45  Coming to the point 30 second commercials
4:00  Marketing, marketing, marketing
Review and discussion of Harmony Road Books 1 – 4
Knowing the facts- how children learn, absorb their musical ideas, and enjoy music
•        培训费用:¥6500元 (4天合计24课时),结训合格美国总部颁发認證证书
优惠办法: 11/30前完成报名者优惠¥500元。
•        团体课程,报名缴费后,恕不退还
•        汇款银行账户:中国民生銀行上海浦東支行 0202 0141 8000 2647
       户名:上海提亞莫貿易有限公司 (汇款后请来电确认)
招生对象        其它(有兴趣者)        授权教室或签约认证老师
培训费        ¥6500元/位- 全阶        ¥6500元/位-全阶
教师福利        1. 提供自用版教师手册一套
2. 免费成为“国际创意艺术教学联盟”会员
3. 以优惠价购买CASIO或ROLAND品牌键盘
4. 如有意建立“好美乐教室”(全国各省);可享上海总部市场规画部个别指导及地区授权优先(需预约)
5. 音乐院校毕业学生,在获得好美乐教学培训合格后,可由美国总部推荐至美国知名音乐院校继续深造(需通过鉴定考)        1. 赠送 好美乐教师手册及学生课本一套(价值 ¥2000元)
4. 音乐院校毕业学生,在获得好美乐教学培训合格后,可由美国总部推荐至美国知名音乐院校继续深造(需通过鉴定考)
5. 免费参加美国好美乐专家特训班

备注事项        1. 不得在未授权情况下,私自對外招生或使用此教学法及教材
        1. 不得在未授权情况下,私自對外招生或使用此教学法及教材
2. 培訓認證者,需與好美乐音乐教室签约工作两年
•        考核派遣:
2. 综合评鉴不合格者不予派遣。
3. 合格者颁发好美樂及提亚莫讲师证书,并依地区需要派遣。


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