Title: Japanese Solar Inverter standardtranslation - intern(日语翻译实习生)
Location: Schneider Zhangjiang office 张江集电港(有班车)
1. To translate the Japanese SolarInverter standards / requirements into English together with engineers in China and Japan;
2. To support engineers in shanghai toclarify and interpret the requirements with Japanese engineer / utilities;
1. Must be fluent with both Japaneseand English language;
2. Must have Electric background, couldbe major in Power electric, Renewable energies or similar
3. No limitation on education, eitherBachelor or Master is ok as long as has this capability;
4. Knowing international electricstandards like IEC or UL is a plus;
PS: More working days preferred, it is perfect if can work 5 days per week.
If you have interest, please send your CV (both English andChinese) to vivianliu0330@stu.xjtu.edu.cnbefore Mar. 31st.