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暑期职位招聘: 哈佛、耶鲁、宾大、卡内基梅隆教授招聘TA和OA

发表于 2012-5-28 12:05:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Company Overview:
SummerChina Program (SCP) is dedicated to provide American higher education in China.Besides providing world class teaching faculty and enjoyable and rewardingsummer experience, SCP allows students to earn up to a full-semester ofacademic credits, save tuitions and accelerate their undergraduate education.Our mission is to promote education and culture exchange between China and theworld through sharing academic and life experiences in China.
Website: www.summerchinaprogram.org

Job Description- TeachingAssistant 顶尖大学教授助教(TA)
S.C.P.International Summer School is recruiting Teaching Assistants for theprofessors and disciplines listed below:

Beijing Campus (@北京科技大学,学院路主校区)
History: Dr. Erez Manela from HarvardUniversity,
Philosophy: Dr. Rusty Jones from HarvardUniversity,
Statistics: Dr. Rebecca Nugent from CarnegieMellon University,
Accounting: Dr. Juan Rivera from Notre DameUniversity,
Psychology: Dr. Emily Balcetis from NYU,
Economics: Dr. Maharukh Bhiladwall from NYU,
Sociology: Dr. Amon Emeka from Universityof Southern California,
Mathematics: Dr. Richard Penney from PurdueUniversity,
Marketing: Prof. Therese Wilbur from Universityof Southern California,
ArtHistory: Dr.Catherine Dossin from Purdue University
USTB Course list: http://www.summerchinaprogram.org/aca_gen.html

Shanghai Campus(@上海外国语大学,虹口主校区)
Economics: Dr. Bill Ethier from Universityof Pennsylvania,
Psychology: Dr. David Schneider from RiceUniversity,
Historyr. Karlann Yokota from Yale University,
Mathematicsr. Michael Plummer from Vanderbilt University,
Accounting: Dr. Anthony Holder from CaseWestern University,
Philosophy: Dr. Loren Lomasky from Universityof Virginia,
Art Historyr. Michelle Facos from Indiana University,
Statisticsr. Bret Hanlon from University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Sociology: Dr. Stephanie Nawyn from MichiganState University
SISU Course list: http://www.summerchinaprogram.net/AcademicCourses.aspx

-            EachTA will be assigned to 1 of the 2 courses which the professor teaches. 每位教授开设2门课程(个别教授开设1门课程)每门课程会配备一名TA
-            Goto the classes, take attendance (10 hours/week) 和学生一起上课(每周10小时)
-            Conductdaily office hour (1 hour/day; 5 hours/week) 周一到五每天有一小时office hour(每周5小时)
-            Grade homework, papers and exams (5 hours/week) 批改作业,论文,考试卷(每周5小时)
-            Providepersonal assistant to professors (5 hours/week) 辅助教授的课业和生活(每周5小时)
-            studentsadministration work (5 hours/week) 作为班主任管理学生事务(每周5小时)
-            Weekendduty (8 hours/week) 周末值班一天 辅助教授的生活(每周8小时)
-            Otheradministration works (2 hours/week) 其他管理性的工作(每周2小时)

-            Standing: Junior/ Senior/recent graduate/ graduate student from a North American or Chinese university/ college 北美在读的大三、大四、研究生、本科或研究生刚毕业,或优秀的中国研究生
-            Major: Major,double major, or minor in the specific academic field; major is preferred 主修、双学位、辅修你所申请的领域
-            Academics: Strong academic background in relevant subjects(electronic transcript is required) 优秀的专业课成绩会加分(扫描、照相的电子成绩单需要提供)
-            English: High proficiency in English speaking, TOEFL/ IELTS/ GRE/GMAT/ CET-6 passed (at least one of these) is preferred. 出色的英文交流能力,托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT、大学英语六级成绩之中至少一项成绩可以提交(过期成绩仍然可以提交)
-            Experience: Previous experience as TA/ tutor for the subject, as 大学辅导员or as student leader is a plus有相关科目助教、辅导老师经验的,有中国大学辅导员、培训班班主任、社团领袖经验的优先
-            Recommendations:Reference/ recommendation letters from professors/ employers are optional 有教授、雇主的推荐信会加分
-            MS Office: Proficient in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 熟悉常用办公软件,如word, PPT, Excel
-            Student Ambassador: S.C.P.student ambassador experience is a plus 任本暑校学生大使优先
-            Housing: Applicants who do not require on-campus housing a plus 希望申请者能自行解决住宿
-            SCP Students:Students at S.C.P. International Summer School is NOT eligible to apply SCP TA positions暑校学生不可兼职在暑校工作

Job Duration:
Beijing北京科技大学校区2012/7/11-8/17(6 days/week) +2 days training (June 16th-17th)
Shanghai上海外国语大学校区2012/7/4-8/10(6 days/week) + 2 days training (June 9th-10th)

Approximatehours per week: Besides 40-45hours/ week,6 days week, may be requested to work extra hours at night or on weekends
Compensation: 3,000RMB (total)
Number of Openings: 36

How to Apply:
1.      ApplicationForm (required)
a)     Overseasapplicant 美加留学生申请者(网上填写申请表即可)
b)     Domesticapplicant 中国大学申请者(请下载申请表,和其他文件一起邮件到指定邮箱)
2.      Updatedresume (required)
3.      Electronictranscript (required)
4.      TOEFL/ IELTS/ GRE/ GMAT/CET-6 score sheet (optional, but strongly suggested)
5.      Cover letter (optional)
6.      Reference letter (optional)

申请表格、resume、成绩单、语言成绩(optional,but strongly suggested)、求职信(optional)、推荐信(optional)至hr@summerchinaprogram.org

Application Deadline:
Rolling base 面试与录取为rolling,录满为止,请有意者尽早申请。
Candidates who pass our initial screening would beinvited to participate in one or two phone/ Skype interviews with themanagement team of Summer China Program.

Job Description- OperationAssistant 国际暑校运营助理(OA)

-            Assistprogram directorand managers with daily administrativework in summer school, including student services, office management, etc.
-            Coordinatestudents’ events such as business panels, local trips, and social events forstudents, etc.
-            Otherduties assigned by program director and managers

-            StudentLeadership: Previous leadership experience instudent association 有一定的学生领袖、学生管理经验
-            English: High proficiency in both English and Chinese speaking andwriting; proficiency in Microsoft Office出色的英文交流能力,熟练使用办公软件(可以提交托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT、大学英语六级成绩)
-            Education: Undergraduates or graduates from universities or colleges inEnglish-speaking countries is a plus 在英文教学环境下读书者优先
-            Specialties: Photography skills, design skills of Photoshop/AI, M.C. skills, and event planningskills is preferred 摄影技巧,PS/AI等设计技巧,晚会主持技巧,活动组织策划技巧都是加分项
-            Housing: Applicants who do not require on-campus housing a plus 希望申请者能自行解决住宿
-            Student Ambassador: S.C.P.student ambassador experience is a plus 任本暑校学生大使优先
-            SCPStudents:Students at S.C.P. International Summer School is NOT eligible to apply SCP OA positions暑校学生不可兼职在暑校工作

Job Duration:
Beijing北京科技大学校区2012/7/4-8/17(6 days/week) +2 days training (June 16th-17th)
Shanghai上海外国语大学校区2012/6/27-8/10(6 days/week) + 2 days training (June 9th-10th)

Approximate hours per week: Regular Hours: 40-50 hours/ week

4,000RMB (total)

Number of Openings: 6

How to Apply:
1.      Application Form (required)
a)     Overseas applicant 美加留学生申请者(网上填写申请表即可)
b)     Domestic applicant 中国大学申请者(请在本帖下方下载申请表 ,和其他文件一起邮件到指定邮箱)
2.      Updated resume (required)
3.      Electronic transcript (optional)
4.      TOEFL/ IELTS/ GRE/ GMAT/CET-6 score sheet (optional, but strongly suggested)
5.      Cover letter (optional)
6.      Reference letter (optional)
申请表格、resume、成绩单(optional)、语言成绩(optional,but strongly suggested)、求职信(optional)、推荐信(optional)至hr@summerchinaprogram.org
将邮件题目改为《OA-申请校区 -姓名-学校-本or研》。例如:《OA-北京 -李旭-清华大学-研究生》

Application Deadline:
Rolling base 面试与录取为rolling,录满为止,请有意者尽早申请。
Candidates who pass our initial screening would beinvited to participate in one or two phone/ Skype interviews with themanagement team of Summer China Program.
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