1. 分析客户职位需求,协助猎头顾问制定人才搜寻方案
2. 进收集并整理简历,丰富数据库
3. 通过各种渠道搜索合适的候选人,并及时和manager沟通
4. 跟进与说服有效候选人,并定期跟踪与已成功候选人的沟通
1. 本科以上学历
2. 良好的沟通和表达能力
3. 勤奋,学习能力强,工作积极主动
4. 愿意接受挑战并能承受压力
5. 良好的英文基础
6. 销售,招聘等行业经验者优先
简历请投至 jenny_zhang@lethic.com.cn
Talent spot is a Singapore company, the headquarter in China base on Shanghai and in other seven cities we have offices too. We have about 200 by the end of 2013.
Our team comprises of experienced HR professionals with vast experiences in many different aspects of the HR practice, and all of us have a vision – To Innovate and To Be Different– as we believe that our creativity will also translate to new workplace solutions for our clients and partners. |