本帖最后由 轩轩vivi 于 2014-3-24 12:36 编辑
1. Timing: start from mid-April for 16 week (从4月中开始做项目,时间16周)
2. Work hours: able to work 2.5 man day per week for 2 interns (our payout will be 5 MD x 16 = 80 MD total); candidates needs to indicate workday, so that PM can arrange them to work with 0.5 day overlap ONLY (每周工作2.5天,总共80个人天)需要告知项目经理可工作的时间,至少与项目经理有半天为可同时工作
3. Major study requirement: Mathematics (discrete) 离散数学, statistics, actuary study/ actuary Science/, computer science with minor in mathematics (主修:数学,统计学,精算,计算机辅修数学)
4. Study Level: Postgraduate student (studying master or doctoral degree), undergraduate is not applicable (硕士或博士在读)
5. Core Mathematical skills (数学核心的技能需掌握以下)
• Non-linear programming (非线性编程)
• Multi-variants regression (non-linear regression) (多元回归分析)
• Cluster Analysis (聚类分析)
6. Software skills (软件技能需掌握以下)
• SAS as an statistics analysis tool (preferred) SAS为统计分析工具
• SPSS (less preferred) SPSS
有需求请回复到vivian.huang@northhighland.com 或电话联系 黄小姐:62898098