本帖最后由 liuxiaojing 于 2014-9-24 19:34 编辑
举报华东师范大学设计学院刘晓菁,王曜等人学术不端--致 华东师范大学设计学院 魏劭农院长
魏劭农院长,你好,很高兴有这么一个渠道就有些事情和你沟通,我们最近受一个作者的委托,委托我们代写代发一篇关于城市景观设计EI检索论文,购买者为华东师范大学设计学院的刘晓菁和王曜,目前论文已经完稿,目前稿子已经录用Journal of Multimedia,详细见录用通知。希望刘晓菁能够能够有专业素质和学术道德,希望王曜老师恪守学术规范,遵守社会公德,希望魏劭农院长维护学术自由和学术尊严,抵制学术失范和不端行为,妥善处理相关硕士导师和硕士研究生。本人保留进一步举报,和曝光舞弊的细节,必要时机将通过微博论坛等媒体公开此事。
上海 上海市 普陀区 华东师范大学,中山北路3663号七舍643,200062
Surface Design Based on Geometric Flow Method and Tessellation
Abstract—This paper combines geometric flow method with tessellation and make full use of their respective strengths to complete some surface design problems, such as surface blending, N sides fill holes and others which satisfy G1 boundary conditions. Based on full analysis of subdivision, the technology utilizes the discrete of four-order geometric flows to successfully construct four-order geometric partial differential equations’ finite element method based on quadrilateral surface subdivision. Experimental results show that: surface design which based on geometric flow method and surface subdivision is effective and correct.
Index Terms—Discrete, Surface Blending, Geometric Partial Differential Equations, Diffusion Flow
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