威富集团于1899年创建于美国宾夕法尼亚州里丁市,至今已发展成为全球最大的成衣上市公司之一(NYSE :VFC),年营业额超过70亿美元。
威富中国目前运营品牌有:Lee, Wrangler, The North Face, Vans, Kipling和Timberland.
现招聘以下实习生职位: Sales Assistant Intern(部门助理,需要有一定Excel skill)
Job responsibities:
He or she will take the meeting facilitator role to setup the sales weekly meeting/East on each Thru and prepare related reporting materials and copies, ensure the VC and WebEx connection on time; assist to setup TNF wholesales monthly meeting and prepare all related materials and copies and ensure meeting facilities work properly; handle the seasonal sales offsite meeting facilities and ensure the meeting moving properly; handle the sales Pre-line meeting by each season with selected dealers(top 10-15), ensure sales samples, reports, meeting facilitators ready; facilitate the seasonal KA meetings & sales meetings ; support sales managers on sales routine admin work, reimbursement; help to communicate with product team and arrange sales samples for sales assortment planning/order review meeting by season; help to fill-in sales catalogues with booking qty. and rev.
- 在校大学生,最好是大三的同学
- 完成本科学历已保研或正在读研或已打算去国外留学的同学
- 熟练运用各种office办公软件
- 一周保证3-4天,越多越好,基本上每个part-time我们都希望能够长期留用到年底或者明年年初
- 17rmb/小时(每天正常出勤的话就是136rmb/day),按实际出勤小时计费,在这里实习的同学经常可以碰上我们公司内买活动,优惠的力度可以省好多米!
有意向的同学请尽快发邮件至Melody_Wen@vfc.com |