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[eBay 实习]CAC AU Intern

发表于 2014-11-19 16:34:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Primary Job Responsibilities
•      Design and develop reports or dashboards to monitor AU business performance.
•      Support AU campaign operation.
•      Evaluate the impact from both internal(product change, program change or other eBay policy change) and external events(external competition, regulation change, etc.).
•      Diagnose the business change and find out the potential opportunities to improve the business.
•      Dig the business insights and learnings behind the data.

Job Requirements
•       Strong logical thinking.
•       Familiar with SQL coding.  Other statistical programs and data mining software are a strong plus.
•       Good MS Office skills (e.g. pivot tables, advanced functions, statistics, data manipulation, etc.)
•       Computer science/EE/Math/Statistics background is preferred.
•         Better graduate in 2016.
•         Can work 3+ days per week.
•        Submit resume to cac-intern-recruit@ebay.com with Subject “CAC AU Intern - <Your Name> - <Your University> - <Your Major>  - <Your Graduate Year>”
同学们有意向的,赶快投简历哦,小小的透露一下salary和Atmosphere哦,本科生的话185RMB/day,硕士的话要稍微多点哦,外地的小伙伴们过来的话,是有Housing Allowance滴,然后工作氛围的话,在这里你不用禁锢于固定的上下班时间,你可以say out your idea, 能够接触到来自各种程序员大牛,相信在这里能够找到你想要的feel,还有免费的现磨咖啡饮料随便你喝~~小伙伴们,快快到碗里来

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GMT+8, 2024-9-28 13:22


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