亲爱的们,eBay要招HR Intern喽,首先我们是base在上海张江高科滴,对位置有要求的同学要注意一下哦,其次,我要跟你们偷偷讲一下eBay是什么样子滴哦,早上来上班我们没有考勤,很flexible啦,然后会有真功夫or东方既白or不知名的早点给你送来,再然后pantry里24小时现磨咖啡,奶茶,无限量供应哦,中午自己带饭的同学,也不用担心,微波炉妥妥的,中午吃完饭,玩桌上足球high起来啊,下午下班啊,是的,同样是flexible的,前提要把自己的工作做好,差不多五六点就下班喽.另外,同事都是很nice的哦,不定期的teambuilding 爽歪歪哦,所以,想投的不要犹豫喽,快快投简历过来啦~~
1. Manage whole eBay intern recruiting process, incl. post JD, offering, on-boarding, system maintenance, etc.
2. Coordinate intern hiring related things with different departments.
3. Phone/on-site interview arrangement.
4. Support Hukou Application.
5. HR related information consolidation and database maintenance.
6. Daily support to recruiting team.
1. Bachelor degree or above, graduate in 2016. Graduate in 2017 or later is better.
2. Patience, logical thinking, down to earth.
3. Strong communication skills and executive ability.
4. Collaborative, easygoing, good team player, creative.
5. Good command of oral and written English.
6. Skilled in using Microsoft office English version, esp excel, outlook.
7. Passion in working as HR, previous intern experience in MNC is a plus
8. Can work at least 4 days per week
Salary: 研究生 160 RMBbase+25RMB allowance
本科 150RMB base+25RMB allowance
If you are interested in this position, please send your En & Cn resume to interns@ebay.com