本帖最后由 wangyuan 于 2011-8-8 08:21 编辑
Stuffed with awful things,my life has become a mess.
For the whole semester,I've alway been so busy.The feeling is just like the expire of a human being.So exhuasted!
Ok,firstly,let me start my topic with the incident in my real life just a some minutes gone.
Just a few minutes ago,i came back from my student house,an embarrassing situation here that i mixed up my usually fixed schedule.
I didn't realized this before i get into her family,then i have to retreat(just like a going war).In reality,i have refused his next rewarding(veiled at present),i mean it is probably i will not go there again at the new term.
From Shakespeare,i got that"brivety is the soul of wit".
I'm reasonably conviced it is also applicable to our inricate life.
Always i just want to find a peaceful place to stay and put my messed minds in order.
For my perspective,ofen study counts much more than anything else.So i sincerely hope this day that i can control my minds would come soon.
On the way to my dream,I am not alone,some be-respected seniors has set a good example for me,so i have a long way to go.
Never hesitate too long,and make a snap decision,then struggle for it.
Just move it!!
Sai 2011.8 Night |