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2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics

发表于 2011-9-1 14:12:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics(ICMAM2011)
Hong Kong     Dec.27-28 2011
The 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics (ICMAM 2011) is being organized and will be held in Hong Kong during Dec.27-28, 2011. ICMAM2011, co-sponsored by Trans tech publications (ICMAM 2011 has been listed in TTP official conference list, conference ID567  http://www.scientific.net/conference-567),the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University etc. is supposed to be the largest technical event on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics in Hong Kong in 2011.
All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the PC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be published in international journal “Applied Mechanics and Materials”[ISSN:1660-9336, Trans Tech Publications] “Applied Mechanics and Materials” is indexed by Elsevier. SCOsPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org/. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com, Chemical Abstracts (CA) www.cas.org, Google and Google Scholar google.com, ISI (ISTP)  www.isinet.com, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc.(For index information,please refer to AMM official website: http://www.ttp.net/1660-9336.html). The full text is online available via platform www.scientific.net. Trans Tech Publications will provide online camera-ready paper submission system.
The organizing committee of ICMAM 2011 will recommend 80 selected excellent papers to published in SCI-indexed journals including:
Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Taylor & Francis)
Advanced Science Letters(American Scientific Publishers)
Surface Engineering (Maney Publishing)
Call for paper
ICMAM2011 is now accepting manuscript submission.Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper in full paper to icmam2011@hotmail.com or https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmam2011 by the end of Nov.6, 2011. The submitted paper can be in MS WORD format or PDF format no less than 4 pages.Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
T1:Manufacturing Technology and Processing
Modeling, analysis and simulation of manufacturing processes
High-speed/precision machining
Virtual manufacturing and concurrent engineering
Green design and manufacturing
Digital and agile manufacturing
PDM, ERP, logistics and supply chain
Bionic mechanisms and bio-manufacturing
Tribology in Manufacturing Processes
Integrated Manufacturing System
Laser Processing Technology
Materials Machining
Micro- and nano-fabrication, materials processing and technology
Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications
Testing, measuring, monitoring and controlling of manufacturing processes
Engineering Optimization
Product Design and Development
Project/Engineering Management

T2:Mechatronics and Automation
Industrial Robotics and Automation
Intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control
Industrial Automation and Process Control
Distributed Control System
Embedded System
Control system modeling and simulation techniques
Enterprise Informationization and information processing technology
Virtual Instrumentation
Sensors, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms
Advanced measurement and Machine Vision system
Transmission and control of Fluid
Dynamics, Vibration and Control

T3:Mechatronic and Embedded System Applications
Applications in intelligent transportation systems
Applications in intelligent manufacturing and automation systems
Applications in underwater, flying and aerospace systems
Applications in medical systems

T4:Applied Mechanics AND Other topics
Nonlinear Dynamics
Oil and Gas Exploration
Operations Management
PC guided design and manufacture
Plasticity Mechanics
Pollution and Environmental Engineering
Precision mechanics, mechatronics
Production Technology
Quality assurance and environment protection
Resistance and Propulsion
Robotic Automation and Control
Solid Mechanics
Structural Dynamics
System Dynamics and Simulation
Textile and Leather Technology
Transport Phenomena
Mechanical Power Engineering          
Robotic, Automation and Control          
Dynamics and Vibration          
Material Science and Processing          
Production Technology          
Solid Mechanics          
Mechanical Design          
Automotive Engineering          
Acoustics and Noise Control
Important Deadlines:
Paper Submission (Full Paper)Before Nov.6, 2011
Notification of AcceptanceOn Nov.26, 2011
Authors' RegistrationBefore Dec.6, 2011
Conference Dates Dec.27-28, 2011

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