For Australia education fair, IDP SH will need 10 on-site helpers and 2-4 interpreters on 27th and 28th Oct (two days in total)
Helpers (5 Male, 5 Female) -- two people a group.
Major responsibilities:-
-- Materials packing
-- Materials distribution
-- Concurrent Forum guiding
-- Concurrent Forum reception and facilities co-ordination
-- Assistant for Freeman Yang and Ying Xu during exhibition on-site
-- Assistant Australia university and improve the communication between the clients and parents
-- Good passion and fluent English
-- CV needed
-- Telephone interview required if necessary
Helper: 150RMB/per day (without transportation fee and lunch)
Translator: 200RMB/per day (without transportation fee and lunch)
Helper Training
IDP Shanghai will run a training to ensure that helpers can know clearly what they should do and how to be IDP SH helpers on site once facing clients or parents' enquiries, and etc.
The training will be held during the middle of Oct. We will let you know in advance.
有意向的同学请于9月28日晚上10:00之前将个人简历发送至:gaocherryann@gmail.com, 请在邮件主题中标明 “申请idp留学展兼职”。
我会将简历转发给idp上海办公室的老师,名额有限,请从速! |