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【实习招聘】咨询公司 The Jace-Kelly 招聘(INTERN&PERM)

发表于 2013-8-13 21:04:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【招聘职位】1.实习生项目 (六个月的实习安排)2. PERM全职项目(这是THE JACE-KELLY的正式员工项目:1个月的实习,实习期后双方进行选择--确定是否进入正式员工的流程)【我们的公司】The Jace-kelly 是一家优秀的高端管理咨询公司,根植中国文化同时放眼国际舞台。我们的客户定位是全球500强公司的前100强,诸如可口可乐、HSBC、Yahoo、星巴克等。视线锁定在CEO, CFO, COO等公司高管,在圈内一直享有赞誉。The Jace-Kelly的咨询顾问平均每个人拥有1.8个国籍,会说3种语言,曾经在2个以上不同的城市生活过,是一个国际多元化的组织,它的存在和发展就是为了把中国市场链接到国际舞台,让世界把握好中国快速成长的脉搏。在这里,有舒适的办公环境。——繁华热闹的市中心,清幽怡人的苏州河畔。在这里,有温馨的人文关怀。——热情友好的同事,平易近人的老板。在这里,有完善的培训体系。——每天都有新的挑战与惊喜,你的进步有目共睹!【我们的Program】我们有一套完整的In-house-Training项目,工作内容每天都不一样,每天都有新的挑战。独特的成长进阶模式,包括Partner在内所有的前辈都将参与到你的培训计划中,超过300小时的培训让你变得与众不同。具体工作内容有:1. 完成公司内部实习生培训,加深对行业的了解,培养职业素养。2. 协助公司招聘,包括简历筛选、电话联络,以及参与面试候选人等。3. 协助咨询顾问指定的工作内容,包括信息搜索、分析候选人等。在这里你不需要去打印复印,也不需要去接发快递,没有一成不变的重复劳动,没有无聊枯燥的简单工作。你将有机会与500强高管直接对话,锻炼你超强的沟通能力与人际关系技巧,积累丰富的职场经验,并最终与senior partner一起参与完整的Project。The Jace-Kelly将把你打造成具有国际视野,目光敏锐的职业精英!【我们在找这样的你】1. 我们欣赏有能力,愿意学习的人,可以放宽专业限制。(实习生每周能保证至少3天的实习时间)2.良好的表达能力,善于沟通,乐于交流3.富有热情,对咨询行业有兴趣4.良好的英语能力,能适应英语的办公环境5.诚信守秘如果你是我们要找的人,请将个人中英文简历(附个人照片)发送至:incoming@interns.jace-kelly.com,邮件名请以“ The Jace-Kelly Intern (or Perm)姓名 学校 年级 一周几天”的格式发送给我们,注明 华师大BBS 。我们将尽量给每一位申请者面试的机会。更多咨询请浏览我们的网站jace-kelly.com.期待你的加入!【Who are we?】We are an executive search firm that offers a one-stop human resources consulting service. Clients have engaged us for our consulting competencies in management team analysis, package strategies, executive search, organization integration, leadership retention and defense strategies against hostile head-hunting.We work very closely with the most successful corporations in various industries including wealth management, banking, luxury, lifestyle, media, FMCG, energy and electronics. Our analysis works are mainly strategic in nature and we often recruit key executives for IPO projects and AP management teams.【What will you do?】Our iprogramme gives you a good idea of what life is like at an executive search firm. It's fun as well as hard work. With more than 300 hours of training provided by our staff from all management level, you will be equipped for the following tasks:Accomplish training program;Take part into the interviewing process of candidates;Assist on database maintenance and improvement;Assist on different projects: Business development, Market research, Event organization;Handle basic office administrative tasks, such as receiving calls and visitors, emails to suppliers;Handle basic accounting tasks such as bank credits and billing.【What qualities are we looking for?】Excellent English in reading and writingExcellent communication skillsSelf motivatedConfidentialityReasonable LogicRespect in ProceduresIf you are wanting a intern position ,make sure at least 3 days one weekInterested applicants should email their resumes (with personal, in Chinese AND English) to incoming@interns.jace-kelly.com in the following title format ‘ECNU BBS:Intern(or Perm) –Name- School –X Days /week’.For more details, please visit our website at jace-kelly.com.Company address:356 Xinzha Road (Take metro line 1 and get off at the Xinzha Road Station)公司在新闸路356号,悦达黄埔河滨大厦502室,可乘1号线在新闸路站下车,一号出口。
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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2025-1-22 15:52


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