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The Parthenon Group/New Pacific Consulting招聘项目实习生

发表于 2013-9-22 13:33:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Pacific Consulting is a trusted advisor to leading investment funds, Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies on strategic growth issues. We serve over half of the Top 50 global private equity firms and numerous leading China-focused funds on targeted commercial due diligence and portfolio advisory engagements.

Now being part of The Parthenon Group, a global top 10 Strategy Consulting firm as rated by The Vault, New Pacific now also serves clients through offices located in Boston, San Francisco, London and Mumbai. Our shared belief in long-term relationships, entrepreneurial consultants, and customized insights are propelling New Pacific toward another phase of remarkable growth. For more information, please visit www.newpacificconsulting.com

1 Desk Research
2 Cold Call & Telephone Interview

1 良好的分析技能,逻辑清晰,有商业判断力;
2 良好的沟通合作能力;
3 中英文流利;
4 每周4天及以上;
5 实习期最少保证1个月。

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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2025-3-4 01:11


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