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发表于 2014-3-24 15:16:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 haworth 于 2014-3-27 16:03 编辑

Job Purpose
Support sales team on design and specification work and supervise the Bid & Design team in finalizing typical system and floor plans layout and cost estimation on all products to offer in a tender bid for local and remote markets in the most timely and accurate manner.

Key Roles and Responsibilities
1. the skills of AUTO CAD
2.Work with Sales Team to understand the tender requirements/ expectations.
3.Prepare design and specification works on typical system configuration and floor plan layout.
4.Once drawings are finalized, prepared bill of quantity and strategize product solutions to meet tender’s specifications.
5.Work with Haworth factories and 3rd party suppliers to specify non-standard products to customer’s specification for pricing.
6.Ensure tender is completed and submitted on time.
7.Support Bid & Design Manager on liaison with remote markets
8.Prepare data qualification for order entry and order file
9.Understand the project requirements/ expectation from the remote market manager and work closely with the Bid & Design team to finalize the drawings and proposals.
10.Create presentation boards for mockup exercise
11.Provide rendering work to enhance proposal bids
12.Create presentation materials in Microsoft PowerPoint format for sales presentation
13.Maintain all drawings and files in the archive library
14.Ensure the drawings and quotations are submitted on time.
15.Prepare weekly & monthly report requested by BRC.

工作地点: 南京西路1788号(2号线静安寺附近)



实习时间 3-6个月 , 每周工作3天



有意向者请发送个人简历至 Susan.Su@Haworth.com  


Haworth(海沃氏)家具公司是一家专业设计、生产、和销售高档办公家具的跨国集团公司,公司致力于满足并超越客户的要求,为全球众多集团企业提供办公空间整体解决方案,在行业内处于世界领先水平。Haworth(海沃氏) 家具公司的总部设在美国密歇根州,在世界120多个国家设立了分公司,员工超过了14,000人。公司在亚太地区拥有4个生产基地,13个直销办事处和8个经销商。已直接开展业务的地区包括班加罗尔、曼谷、北京、香港、吉隆坡、墨尔本、新德里、马来西亚槟榔屿、上海、新加坡、悉尼、和东京。海沃氏家具(上海)有限公司是美国海沃氏集团设立的亚太区总部,位于上海浦东新区外高桥保税区,投资额为人民币3.32亿。

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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2025-3-5 10:49


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