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发表于 2014-4-3 14:13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

       由于本人马上要毕业,需要找一位童鞋接替。这边项目一直都有,可以一直跟着做。老板很愿意带小朋友,也经常教各种技能、知识。公司都是年轻人,老板是资深分析师,有七八年行业研究经验,组里还有几个分析师,都很好相处,他们常常在第一财经、环球企业家、中国能源报等期刊上发表文章,有的还是专栏作家。我觉得这是个很好的学习机会,尤其对于将来有志于在行业研究或咨询业工作的童鞋们,是很好的经验积累。另外,在这边实习得到return offer的机会很大。地点在静安寺附近,上班方便。


Job Description 工作职责描述
- Telephonic Interview Execution  电话访谈执行
- Info Search and Data Mining 信息搜集和挖掘
- Preliminary Data Processing & Analysis 初步的数据处理和分析
- Assisting in Report Writing & Translation 协助报告撰写和翻译
- Other related work for Project Manager 辅助项目经理进行其他相关工作

Requirements 职位要求
- University Students pursuing Bachelor or Master Degree 本科或硕士在读
- Be skillful for interpersonal communication 善于人际沟通
- Be Proficient in employing Excel, PowerPoint and Word 擅长使用Excel, PPT 等办公软件
- Candidates with Bachelor of Science or related background preferred 工科专业优先
- Excellent reading and summary skills in both English and Chinese 优秀的中英文阅读提炼能力
- Must be available for at least 4 days a week for 3 months (Mandatory) 每周3-5天,持续3个月

Martec Group will provide RMB 120 per day for this position, in additional, we provide RMB 15 per hour for OT and upper limit RMB 50 for dinner.

Office Location 公司地点
Sanhe Plaza, near Jingan Temple 三和大厦 (靠近静安寺)

Working Period 工作时间
9:30 -6:00, at least 4 days per week  工作时间9:30 -6:00 每周4天以上

How to Apply 如何申请职位

Armand.cao@martecgroup.com 邮件标题为“姓名+学校+—周可实习天数”

About Martec Group:
Founded in 1984, The Martec Group has grown to more than 100 professional staff members in our six global offices, which include Chicago, Detroit, Green Bay, Frankfurt, Shanghai and Beijing.
The Martec Group is a partnership of technical market research and consulting professionals with a mission to be the best-in-class provider of strategic market-based research and consulting services, facilitating our clients' success in global markets.
At The Martec Group, we primarily focus on serving a core group of business-to-business markets, organized into seven key practice areas:
• Advanced Technologies & Services
• Building Construction Products
• Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals
• Industrial Equipment
• Energy
• Healthcare
• Transportation
We continually strive to exceed our clients' expectations through our combination of industry experience, methodological expertise, global coverage and value-added service. An important part of this effort is our client satisfaction program, where we ask our clients to grade us at the end of each engagement on the value we provided. This feedback is taken very seriously and is an integral part of Martec's employee evaluation process.
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GMT+8, 2024-9-25 03:17


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