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美资猎头公司Cornerstone Global Partners招聘Researcher Intern

发表于 2014-4-15 18:38:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Cornerstone Global Partners (CGP) 是一家以中国为中心,面向全球的人力资源解决方案公司,通过中国的各个办公机构以及世界60 个网点提供全球性覆盖服务。CGP 通过一系列人才招募和人才管理解决方案,向跨国客户提供准入和扩大经营服务,以及帮助中国公司走出国门。这些服务包括通过业内专业合作伙伴和咨询顾问,提供传统的高级到中级的猎头服务,市场准入/境外投资咨询和组织设计的解决方案。
在中国,CGP 是全球策略联盟(英文简称为“GSG”)成员,旗下公司包括毕马威咨询(中国)有限公司、奥美公关以及星安利德,这些公司可以为中国企业的境外投资提供建议,同时,还可以为跨国公司在中国境内的准入和扩大经营提供咨询。CGP 的领导团队拥有一批来自各个行业领域中的思想领袖。通过领导他们的团队,在中国实现了超过1000 次的人员配置,他们已经证实了自己面对中国市场独一无二的挑战时,提供了正确解决方案的专业技能。CGP 的合伙人以及咨询顾问具有行业专业水平,并且已经证实他们所做出的业绩使其在相关行业领域中处于前10%的领先位置。

Cornerstone Global Partners is a China centric recruitment solutions firm with a global reach through offices in Greater China and 60 network offices around the globe. Cornerstone Global Partners provides multi-national clients entering or expanding operations in China and Chinese companies going outbound with a range of talent acquisition and talent management solutions.These services include traditional C-level to mid-level executive search, market entry/outbound investment consultancy and organizational design solutions through their industry specialized Partners and Consultants.
In China, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited, Ogilivy PR, Ascension Capital Group and Cornerstone Global Partners have developed a joint service offering that is designed to assist Chinese companies as they expand abroad and multinational corporations as they enter or expand operations in China.Our Partners and their industry/functional focused teams have been responsible for completing over 1000 C-level to mid-level projects in China across most major industry sectors. This gives us a deep understanding of the talent challenges that exist for companies expanding in China and Chinese companies seeking to expand internationally.

Position: Researcher Intern

As a recruitment Intern, you will be exposed to many different Global MNCs culture and senior managers who are key decision makers. This is one of the best intern jobs as you get a feel of working with a top notch recruitment firm, and also our global clients and MNCs candidates. This will give you a good platform before you enter to the employment market after graduation.

Job responsibilities:
General Research
- Assist in developing a list of target companies to which candidates may be sourced for a particular recruitment project
- Name-gathering of appropriate candidates for a specific recruitment project
- Making recruiting call based on the target list and gathering information of potential MNC candidates/clients

- Graduates in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree or above
- Fluent in written and oral English
- Have aspiration to be a leader in an MNC
- Demonstrated to be in a student leader position
- Sales traits is a plus
- At least working 4 days a week, full time will be preferred.

If you are interested in applying to CGP, please send your application (Resume and Cover letter) as attachments to victor.an@cornerstoneglobalpartners.com with the subject of “Intern Application - (Full Name)-Grade”. Please send your application before April 25th.

发表于 2014-4-16 09:53:42 | 显示全部楼层
回复@包子jojo:Thank u!

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