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博世亚太区物流总部 Admin实习生

发表于 2014-5-4 13:51:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Company: Bosch (China) Investment Co., Ltd (博世中国投资有限公司)
Department: CP/LOG-AP (博世亚太区物流总部)

地址  Location: 333 Fuquan Road North, Shanghai 200335 P.R. China 福泉北路333号
(2号线淞虹路地铁站下有班车接送,上下班时间每5分钟一班,路程大概10分钟, 此外还有到莘庄, 莲花路,五角场,大柏树等的长线班车)

薪资  Payment:
115 RMB/Day for bachelor students (Before Tax), 115元/天-本科生(税前)
145 RMB/Day for master students (Before Tax), 145元/天-研究生(税前)

Bosch Company
Robert Bosch, headquartered in Stuttgart Germany, is one of the largest manufacturers in Automotive Technology, Industrial Technology, and Consumer Goods and Building Technology in the world, belonging to the Fortune Top 100  companies. In recent years, Bosch has been growing strongly in China, employing actually approximately 14,000 associates and achieving sales in excess of 1 billion Euros. Now the Asia-Pacific headquarter of Bosch group is based in Shanghai covering various corporate departments, including finance, strategy, R&D, sales and so on.

Main Job Description:
    - Coordinate with different countries managers within Asia Pacific region
    - CSL/TCT data collection and making reports every month
    - Making fishbone chart at the end of the year;
    - Cost calculating in the logistic transportation;
    - Preparation for the meeting held every quarter across the whole Asia Pacific region
    - Asia Pacific logistics newsletter Edition
    - Other organizational tasks and assist German HOD: Meeting and Team Events organization, Business Travel Plan, Reimbursement of expense, Work-on application, etc.
    - Other Admin work

    - Willingness and promise to work fulltime (at least 4 days/week) for at least 6 months
    - Fluent English both in speaking and writing, German is a plus
    - Majored in English or German or engineering is preferred.
    - Skilled in Photoshop is a plus.
    - Good experience in MS office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher)
    - Patience and endurance are adequate in the admin support and data processing.

Please send your English and Chinese resume to: fixed-term.jialu.li@cn.bosch.com
or fixed-term.yangyang.cai@cn.bosch.com with the subject: Name_Major_University_workday /week_months
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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

GMT+8, 2025-3-3 12:38


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