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发表于 2014-5-16 09:42:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 作为全球自助式批发业务的领导者,1996年,麦德龙在上海开设了它在中国的第一家现购自运批发商场,给中国带来了全新的商业理念。迄今,麦德龙在中国的52个城市开设75家商场,拥有10,000多名员工和逾500万客户,2012/2013财年销售额达 170 亿人民币。
麦德龙的现购自运(Cash & Carry)是现代商业领域最为成功的业态之一,公司在其四十多年的成功发展中,一直坚持为专业客户提供量身定制的高质量产品组合。麦德龙现购自运主要服务专业客户,包括酒店、餐馆、食堂、中小型零售商、企事业单位等, 同时也满足热衷品质生活的消费者的需求。其产品系列以品种多样、高品质和高性价比而著称。与其他贸易零售商相比,麦德龙现购自运商场在生鲜食品方面拥有更高的专业性。
作为一家具有高度社会责任感的公司,麦德龙坚持将自身的发展与社会共同进步联系在一起——中国麦德龙严格遵守 当地法律法规,每年自觉向政府缴纳大量税收,支持全国基础设施的建设,尤其是对中国食品安全制度的完善做出了卓越贡献。每到一处,麦德龙都为当地带来大量 就业机会和先进的管理理念,进一步提升了当地供应商,尤其是中小型企业的质量水平。同时,麦德龙还将更多中国企业纳入其全球配销体系,帮助他们将产品推向 国外。

Do you…
… want to build the future of wholesale business and leave your personal footprint?
… see yourself driving sales and actively shaping the success of our customers and their businesses?
… see your ideas being implemented on a global scale and brought to life throughout several countries?
… like to be challenged on a regular basis?
… aspire taking your skills to the next level and beyond?
… want to take responsibility of your future right now?

Did you graduate no more than three years ago from a top university with a master degree
     (or equivalent) in the field of Business, Trade or Hoteling Business School with very good results?
Do you have an excellent command of the English language and preferably a second foreign
Do you have a track record of extracurricular activities and have gained international experience?
Are you a strong communicator and an independent, self-driven, proactive and ambitious person?

If you have answered all of these questions with YES our
METRO POTENTIALS program is the next step you’ll need to take.
In two years you will rotate through five different phases, three to six months each. Two of the phases will be taking part abroad, one of these will be in the company headquarters in Düsseldorf (Germany).
During these different phases you will work on different projects and receive on-the-job training in order to grow your business and leadership skills.

Human Resources Department, METRO Cash & Carry China
No.1425, Zhenbei Road, Putuo District, Shanghai, China
Phone:        + 86-021-22078888


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发表于 2014-5-20 08:58:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-5-27 09:39:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-5-30 09:26:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-6-3 09:18:31 | 显示全部楼层
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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

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