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发表于 2015-3-23 08:23:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Some details to consider,
·Use your school (name@school.edu) or professional (firstname.lastname@gmail.com) email as a sign of professionalism. At the very least, Gmail is seen as more trustworthy than Hotmail, Yahoo, QQ, etc. If you want to actually correspond with a different email, then tell the recruiter, "Here, it's more convenient for me to use this email - I check it more often" and then write your personal email at the top of the resume.

·Do not include your age or birthdate.

·Use active verbs in describing your work experience. For example, "organized", "researched", "designed", "implemented". Here's a good list. If you are describing your current position, use the present tense; past positions, past tense.

·If you have relevant work experience, put that above your education. Employers are more interested in what you're capable of doing, rather than what you've learned. Companies will always retrain you and teach you what you need to know for your position.

·Use correct spacing after punctuation. This isn't a big deal in Chinese, but in English, it's the difference between readable text and gibberish.

·No typos. Not a single typo. Have all your friends carefully proofread every line for typos.

·When you print your resume, do not use special paper sizes or weights. Print it on normal 8.5"x11" printer paper. Recruiters no longer care about resume paper. The different sizes actually make it harder for a recruiter to fit your resume in their folders.

·It's preferable to keep the resume to one page. Recruiters get hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes and they won't have to time to read anything beyond the first page. The common exceptions are academic resumes, such as PhD graduates, because the resume should list all the notable research and publications.

·If you are in college or have graduated from college, do not include anything from before college.

·Do not include hobbies and interests.

·Update your resume every 6 months.

If you're a student, then definitely go to your school's career center and ask somebody to help you edit your resume.

- - - - -

Disclaimer: Sheldon Cooper is a fictional character from The Big Bang Theory. All rights for the use of this character belong to CBS Broadcasting Inc. The research articles cited also belong to their respective authors, not Sheldon Cooper.

p.s. I am nothing close to a theoretical physicist. If I've used any physics terms in ways that make no sense, please let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix them.

p.p.s. I also don't watch The Big Bang Theory. I picked Sheldon because I know the show is popular in China. If I've gotten any of his personal details wrong (like those dates), please let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix them. (Although, I did a lot of research to calculate those months and years, so if you think a date is wrong, then you'd better cite your sources =P )



· 使用你的学校邮箱(name@school.edu)或工作邮箱,这能使你显得更专业. 避免使用例如Hotmail, Yahoo, QQ, Gmail等的私人邮箱,除非没有更好的选择.

· 不要包含你的年龄或生日.

· 尽量使用主动语态的动词来描述你的工作经历.例如"organized", "researched", "designed",

· 如果你过去曾有与应聘职务相关的工作经历,着重把它放在你的教育信息之前.雇主会对你能做什么做过什么更感兴趣,而不是你学过什么.公司总是会在你入职后再训练你以让你掌握工作所需的技能(译注:着重强调经验和工作能力,而非你的学历)

· 标点符号后要加一个空格,不同于中文,这在英文中非常重要.直接关系到你的简历是否易读可读.

· 绝对不能有任何打印(或拼写)错误!可以让你的朋友帮你逐行检查是否有打印错误(译注:word自带的拼写检查和online grammar check 也是一个不错的选择).

· 最好能将简历控制在一页纸之内.应聘者时常成百上千,招聘部门不会有那么多时间去看超过一页的内容.但是,学术类简历不必遵循这个建议,例如PhD研究生,因为简历中需要罗列已有的和已出版的研究.

· 如果你大学在读或者已经毕业,不要在简历中包含任何大学前的信息.

· 不要包含你的兴趣爱好.

· 如果你还是学生的话,可以去学校的就业中心让那些专业人士帮你修改简历.

- - - - -
免责申明: Sheldon Cooper是The Big Bang Theory中的虚构人物. 版权及使用权属于CBS Broadcasting Inc. 引用的学术研究来自各作者,而非Sheldon Cooper.
p.s. 我不是理论物理学家, 因此如果误用了任何物理术语词汇,请在评论中告知我,我会及时修改.
p.p.s. 我并不收看The Big Bang Theory. 因为The Big Bang Theory在中国非常流行,所以我选择Sheldon作为例子.如果有任何关于Sheldon的个人细节出现错误, 请在评论中告知我,我会及时修改.(当然,我认真查找和计算过上面的日期时间,所以如果你觉得某个日期是错误的话,请引用你的来源,lol)

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