唯恩 VINECLUB招聘全职实习生助理,侍酒服务人员,活动策划,助理
全职实习生助理 1:
我们是一家新成立的致力于高端葡萄酒相关活动的公关公司。我们现在急需1-2位全职实习生。如果你对活动策划,品牌推广,广告销售,或葡萄酒业有兴趣的话,这将是你的一次极佳的学习和体验工作的机会。我们要求应聘者为大学3年级以上,仪表端正大方,英文佳,有条理,沟通与协调能力好, 而且是个上海通(熟悉沪娱乐和餐饮场所)。欢迎在校学生踊跃报名。请将简历,个人情况,和照片email至Info@vineclub.cn或vivienneye2199@yahoo.cn。薪酬面议
We are a startup company focusing on high-end wine related event solutions. We are currently looking 2-3 interns, either part-time or full-time, to help our growing business. This is an excellent opportunity for potential candidates with interest in event planning, brand marketing, advertising sales or wine industry. Ideal candidates are current college students with strong interpersonal communication skill, and understanding of spoken English and read/write English. You should be familiar with entertainment and restaurant establishments in Shanghai . You must also be detailed oriented and able to follow instructions. Please email your resume and photo to Info@vineclub.cn or vivienneye2199@yahoo.cn
2) 全职或兼职实习生助理 2:
我们是一家新成立的致力于高端葡萄酒相关活动的公关公司。我们现在急需2-3位 实习生, 全职或兼职皆可。如果你对活动策划,品牌推广,广告销售,或葡萄酒业有兴趣的话,这将是你的一次极佳的学习和体验工作的机会。我们要求应聘者为大学一年级以上,仪表端正大方,英文佳,有条理,沟通与协调能力好。欢迎在校学生踊跃报名。不限年级。请将简历,个人情况,和照片email至Info@vineclub.cn or vivienneye2199@yahoo.cn。薪酬面议
We are a startup company focusing on high-end wine related event solutions. We are currently looking 2-3 interns, either part-time or full-time, to help our growing business. This is an excellent opportunity for potential candidates with interest in event planning, brand marketing, advertising sales or wine industry. Ideal candidates are current college students with strong interpersonal communication skill, and understanding of spoken English and read/write English. You must also be detailed oriented and able to follow instructions. Please email your resume and photo to Info@vineclub.cn or vivienneye2199@yahoo.cn
1. 学历年级不限,实际操作能力为主要考核内容。
2. 具有深厚的美术功底及良好的创意构思能力
3. 精通Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、等设计软件;
4. 有独立工作能力,责任心强,能承受较大的工作压力
5. 请将相关作品或平面设计作品,简历,个人情况,和照片email至 Info@vineclub.cn or vivienneye2199@yahoo.cn。薪酬面议 |