Company Introduction
Management LogiX Consulting has built its headquarter in Shanghai, China and is starting up its China operation. It positions itself as a knowledge organization and offers its cutting edge solutions in business management with partnerships with famous management firms and management consultants.
With the development of the strategy and organization structure, we want to attract, recruit and retain the brightest minds. We are looking for future leaders of the consulting business in China.
1 有美术或设计基础,有平面设计工作经验
2 掌握成熟有效的创意及思考方法;拥有包装设计、平面广告的成功案例;团队沟通及协作能力强
3 能够胜任各种平面设计项目,有策划创意案例
4 对三维及网页设计有了解,对广告宣传设计有了解,熟练操作PHOTOSHOP、ILLUSTRATOR、COREDRAW等设计软件
5 要求做事认真负责,敬业爱岗,为人诚实热情,有较好的团队精神,善于沟通公司和客户的工作。
6 精通网站的制作及维护更佳
7 优秀应届生亦可,兼职时间合时也可.
You can send you resume to evanzhang@mlx-consulting.com to apply the job. Our website address is www.mlx-consulting.com you can find more information about us on it. |