National Instruments (NI) 2009~2010校园宣讲会将于12月10日在华东师范大学举办,欢迎同学们届时参加!以下是本次宣讲会的具体信息:
宣讲会时间: 2009年12月10日 周四 晚6点至8点
宣讲会地点:华东师范大学(闵行校区) 第一教学楼108报告厅
Software Engineer(软件工程师)
 1. Implement each step in software life cycle including requirements analysis, designing, coding, and testing
 2. Participate in research and development of innovative and high quality software products for measurement and automation
 3. Stay current with the state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technology; apply the latest technology in software projects
 4. Diagnose and debug problems in development, sometimes using other NI products
 5. Write and review product documents in English
 6. Take on short-term training in the United States for product development process
 1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related majors
 2. Excellent GPA
 3. Strong ability to solve problems and work independently
 4. Thorough understanding of the following concepts and principles:
 1)Operating system components and design
 2)Computer system architecture and organization
 3)Data structures
 4)Development methodologies including object-oriented analysis and design
 5. Work effectively in group development environments
 6. Proficiency in both written and spoken English
届时请同学们携带本人中英文简历和成绩单复印件,并在简历上注明应聘职位名称,宣讲会结束后我们将当场接收简历。 宣讲会前期,同学们还可发送个人中英文简历及成绩单至NI招聘邮箱china.jobs@ni.com,请在邮件主题注明:大学 - 应聘职位 - 应聘者姓名。
欲知更多NI校园宣讲会招聘详情,敬请留意校内海报和学校就业中心网站,或登录NI网站查询 www.ni.com/china/career 。
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