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上海知名英文媒体that's Shanghai杂志社招聘销售精英

发表于 2010-4-23 15:01:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

For over 10 years, that’s magazines have become the most respected, in-depth and informative city magazines in China’s most vibrant and energetic cities. Now with publications in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, that’s magazines are at the forefront of English-language media in China, in the cities that matter in the world’s most rapidly expanding and exciting country.

Every month they showcase the latest events, listings and happenings in each city, while being packed full of interesting coverage on culture and art, fashion, travel and lifestyle, food and drink, technology and business, plus interviews with the biggest local and international stars and cultural icons in town. If you are based in any of these cities, or just there for a short stay, that’s magazines are the reader’s ultimate lifestyle companion for the city.
每期that’s 系列杂志的丰富内容囊括最新活动资讯,信息,城市新闻,涵盖了艺术文化,时尚,旅游生活,食品饮料,技术商务等领域,以及本地及国际明星和文化使者的专访。无论是对于这些城市的常住客还是短期停留者,that’s都是必不可少的生活伴侣。

that’s magazines have immediacy, yet do not date, and capture the people, places and ideas that are defining the ever-changing modern culture of China’s major cities. The that’s design reflects the editorial position, one where professionalism and creativity are highly treasured by a talented group of editors, writers, designers, photographers and graphic artists.

JD: Account Executive, report to BD manager
1.Current clients database maintenance and management.
2.New potential clients hunting and cold call making
3.New contract negotiating and signing
4.Sales deal follow up
5.Website BD task

1. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English
2. Passion for media industry
3. Confident, energetic, team player
4. Knowledge on website technology or CRM database will be a plus

Basic + commission

Please send your CV to: pennyli@urbanatomy.com
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