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发表于 2010-4-23 17:08:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
威奔广告(NetImpact Ltd)是一家专注于欧洲市场广告联盟营销(Affiliate Marketing)的在线营销公司,在基于业绩的媒体购买和品牌战略、搜索引擎营销及社会化媒体营销方面有5年以上的丰富经验。
About Netimpact
NetImpact Ltd. is a dynamic online marketing company based in Shanghai with brother companies in Hong Kong and Germany. We have strong focus on performance-based affiliate marketing for European markets and 5+ years of proven experiences in online marketing. We have specialist knowledge in Search Engine advertising, Social Media advertising as well as performance-based media-buying and branding.

1、全职/实习Flash Interactive Designer-Flash 互动设计师
  Flash 互动设计师主要任务是根据市场部的需要创意,制作并且修改高质量的网络广告。网页设计与平面设计有时也会需要。
1)精通设计软件,如Flash, Photoshop, illustrator等
2)优秀的敬业精神及团队合作精 神,很强的工作责任心和勤奋踏实的工作态度
4)会Action script或 Flex者优先

2、全职/实习Online Marketing and Media Buying Specialist – 网络营销专员

Job Summary
Media buyer is responsible for building out and managing profitable international online marketing campaigns through orchestrated effective online media planning and purchases on Netimpact’s platform. Adjustments would need to be made often to ensure we are achieving the highest performance at the most affordable spend. Effective communication to advertisers and publishers are vital in this role.

Functions and Responsibilities
*    Create and manage international campaigns in CPM, CPC, CPA, and CPL for models: monitor, analyze, and optimize campaign performance to achieve highest ROI.
*    Conduct tests prior to commitment of online media purchases to ensure appropriate results once campaign is live.
*    Interact with creative specialist, and manager of campaign management to create holistic solution and team learning.
*    Work closely with client’s account manager for campaign acquirement and management; communicate to publishers and monitor their performance. Solve problems within campaign live time.
*    Reconcile monthly plans both internally and externally.

*    Demonstrated outstanding analysis skill and execution abilities in delivering result of CPM, CPC, CPA and CPL campaigns. Proficient with display media automation, reporting and analytical tools.
*    Good communication skills and experience in client relationship and account management skills. Be comfortable in a fast-pace and semi-technical environment. Be proactive and a self-starter with strong organizational skills.
*    Excellent interpersonal and communications skills, including proficiency as a writer, strong listening skills, and articulate speaker. Good at problem solving under pressure.
*    Proficient in English, other language would be a plus.
*    Proficient in Excel, Work and Powerpoint; Ability to process computer data and to format and generate reports

在线媒介专员主要负责建立在线推广活动,通过威奔广告有限公司提供的平台,计划和执行国际在线媒体投放。 与客户沟通与交流,解决在线广告投放中出现的各种问题,并 使在线广告投放活动达到效果最大化。

*    建立并有效管理CPM, CPC, CPA, 和 CPL 国际在线广告投放,检测,分析并优化活动成效已达到最高的投资回报
*    与创意人员和在线营销经理沟通,做出全盘计划并达到最佳的团队学习经验获得
*    与客户即使沟通,争取达到投放活动效果最大化,并获取更多在线投放项目;测试在线媒体资源,在广告投放过程中检测在线媒体质量,并做相应调整
*    设计,调整与优化在线广告投放周期性计划

*    出色的分析能力和执行力,以达到在线投放效果最大化。了解在线广告投放平台,熟练使用分析报告工 具。
*    具有较好的沟通能力和客户关系管理经验,适应快速反应和半技术行工作环境。态度积极主动,能自我计划和安排好工作。
*    具有较好的个人能力,听取同事和客户意见与建议,书面与口头表达能力强,能在压力下主动并有效解决工作中出现的各种问题
*    精通英语,会其他外欧洲语言者优先考虑
*    熟练操作电脑和使用Excel, Work 和 Powerpoint等软件, 能分析数据并建立分析报告
3、全职/实习Web Designer – 网络广告设计师


1 精通设计软件,如Photoshop, illustrator等
2 优秀的敬业精神及团队合作精 神,很强的工作责任心和勤 奋踏实的工作态度
3 富有创意,对创意设计工作充满热情,设计感觉良好,想象力丰富
4 会Flash者优先
5 熟悉网络广告及minisite动画创意制作
威奔广告的工作既紧张又灵活与快乐,我们期待您加入我们年 轻却专业的队伍。 有意者请联系 linda.zhu@netimpact-sh.com
We are a hard-working, fun-loving office, and we’re looking for the right fit—someone with great communication skills and a solid work ethic who picks up skills quickly.
If you´re interested in this job please contact linda.zhu@netimpact-sh.com.
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小黑屋|爱在华师大 ( 曾经也有备案 )

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